1. [Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province] Unjust Trial Called Off
Jianshang District People's Court of Shuangyashan City in Heilongjiang Province had scheduled an unjust trial of Falun Dafa practitioner Pan Xingfu on January 28, 2002. Several hundred Falun Dafa practitioners attended the trial. Practitioner Pan Xingfu was taken into the courtroom but was rushed out immediately. The judge suddenly announced that the trial was called off for the day. When we asked for an explanation, the judge answered that the evidence remained insufficient. When we demanded the release of Pan, we were instead pushed out of the courtroom. It's not hard to see how scared those people are when they persecute Dafa practitioners.
2. [Da'an City, Jilin Province] "I Don't Want to Be Listed on the 'Red Poster' ", Says Police Officer
A while back, a policeman in Da'an City followed the orders of the criminal regime of Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan in going to the extreme to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. After a thorough investigation of his criminal acts, practitioners in Da'an City wrote several public notices on red sheets of paper and posted them all over the city. This policeman was so shocked by the heroic action of the practitioners that he is afraid of running into acquaintances while out in public. He also ran around trying to tear off the posters. After that, when new orders were issued to persecute Dafa practitioners, quite a few police officers were unwilling to participate. Some said, "I don't want my name to be listed on the 'red poster'."
3. [Shandong Province] Kindhearted Villagers
Falun Dafa practitioners often go to a county in Shandong Province to distribute Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. The local "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over corresponding levels of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems) has designated this area as one to be placed under close control. Plainclothes policemen have been dispatched for surveillance. Cadres from the village Party Committee also joined this unlawful mission and called a meeting of all Party members, asking them to go on duty at night.
However, the villagers did not want to do anything against their conscience. Some said, "Why do you want to catch them? None of the Falun Gong practitioners have done anything bad." Some villagers have come to practitioners' homes to let them know about the scheme and to be more careful. One villager told a practitioner, "We have to participate since it's ordered by the authorities, but you should be careful." Another villager immediately followed, "How come you're so dumb? When you see them come, you can just warn them by coughing. We have figured that the authorities have their policy, but we have our counter strategy."
We know that these people who have awakened will be rewarded for their good deeds. At the same time, we warn those who are stubbornly persecuting kindness and persecuting Dafa that they will receive retribution. This is the heavenly principle. No matter what one has done, it has to be repaid.
4. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Female Practitioners Nearly Beaten to Death
The Second Hospital of Fushun City in Liaoning Province tortured Falun Dafa practitioners to the brink of death and then transferred them off site in an attempt to avoid responsibility.
Female Dafa practitioner Zou Guirong is at present in extremely critical condition. She is unable to take in any food even with assistance. Another female fellow practitioner with the last name of Zhao had a rib broken as a result of being beaten. Zhao's life is also in imminent danger. Neither of them caved in to the threat of death. The villains who persecuted them worried that they might die in the hospital and sent them home in order to avoid being held responsible.
Female Dafa practitioner Jia Naizhi went to Beijing again on January 10, 2002 to file an appeal. She was brutally beaten, and wounds covered her body. She was secretly held in Ziqiang Women's School. As her life was in danger, she was transferred to the Second Hospital for infusions. There she was diagnosed as having severe hepatitis. Still she was viciously beaten and locked in isolation. We call for the attention of all kindhearted people, and ask them to please appeal to international organizations to request their concern and investigation into these atrocities.
We look for people with a sense of justice to file a lawsuit in the international tribunal or other organizations against the Second Hospital of Fushun City, which tortured healthy people to the edge of death and then transferred them away from the hospital.
5. [Shenyang Province] Longshan Forced Labor Camp Must Immediately Stop Committing Crimes
For quite some time, villains in Longshan Forced Labor Camp placed the portrait of the founder of Falun Gong at the entrance. Anyone who refuses to step on the portrait is denied visitation privileges.
On January 31, 2002, policemen in Longshan Forced Labor Camp became even more devious. They made every visitor step on the portrait in the area of the head. Wicked policeman Jiang Yubo, chief of the Management and Education Section, even forced a couple of family members to curse the founder of Falun Gong. Otherwise these family members would not be allowed to enter.
Jiang Yubo also forced practitioners unjustly held in the labor camp to answer slanderous questions about Falun Dafa. Jiang also collected and distributed books spreading rumors on Falun Gong in an attempt to shake practitioners' righteous belief.
Other police officers in Longshan Forced Labor Camp who engaged in beating, cursing, and planning devious activities include:
Li Fengshi, chief of the forced labor camp in charge of the persecution.
Wei Mintang, chief of the Management and Education Section.
Yang Min, head of No. 1 Large Team.
Tang Yubao, head of No. 2 Large Team.
Li Jifeng, former head of No. 2 Large Team (Appointed as chief of the Production Section after beating Falun Gong practitioners, and at the same time awarded the so-called "First Class Police Guard")
6. [Jilin Province] Exposing the Crimes of Female Police at Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp
Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp in Jiutai City, Jilin Province, persecutes Falun Dafa practitioners and their families. A female police officer, whose surname is Jiang, is stationed at the reception office and in charge of questioning the visitors. She questions each visitor about their practice of Falun Dafa and forbids visitation by the family members if they are also Falun Dafa practitioners. She has even forced visitors to slander or verbally abuse Teacher, prohibiting visits from family members who refuse.
Telephone No of Yinmahe Labor Camp: 86-431-2323511;86-431-2341783
7. [Jilin Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Zhaohui Tortured to the Brink of Death in Yinmahe Labor Camp
Since the cities of Jilin and Yanji concentrated Falun Dafa practitioners at the Yinmahe Labor Camp in Jiutai, the evil has become more aggressive. According to the family members of Falun Dafa practitioners, they are not allowed to visit unless they verbally abuse Falun Dafa. Detained practitioners suffer inhuman torture everyday and are forced to verbally abuse Falun Dafa and the Teacher or be beaten. The warden utilizes a variety of methods of torture and continually curses at the Falun Dafa practitioners. The detained practitioners are suffering unimaginable persecution both mentally and physically.
Wang Zhaohui, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Jilin, is steadfast in his belief. He refuses to yield to the evil and has been on a hunger strike for twenty days. During this process he frequently suffered brutal forced feeding and other inhuman persecution. His life is currently in danger.
We appeal to all kindhearted people around the world to stop this persecution by the evil regime and uphold justice.
8. [China] Ministry of Public Security: Anyone Possessing Even One Falun Dafa Flyer Will Be Arrested
A family member of a Falun Dafa practitioner, who works in the Ministry of Public Security, said that on February 9, 2002, the Ministry of Public Security gave a secret order which stated that Jiang has become angry and wants to further persecute Falun Gong. They will monitor Falun Dafa practitioners strictly, and if even one flyer is found at a practitioner's home, he is to be sent directly to prison. The "610 Office" does not dare to leave evidence of this order, so they have just conveyed the information verbally. [A "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems].
The Police from Erdaojiang Police Station arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Pei Yongmei on February 8, 2002, after breaking into her home and confiscating truth clarifying literature and CDs.
9. [Shandong Province] 610 Office of Mengyin County Rampantly Persecutes Practitioners
With the Spring Festival approaching, there is significant pressure on local police to arrest as many Falun Dafa practitioners as possible. The "610 Office" of Mengyin County, in Shandong Province, illegally searched many practitioners' homes in Mengyin County, Mengyin Town, Tanfu Town, Taoxu Town, Duozhuang Town and Yedian Township. Many practitioners were arrested as a result of this concentrated effort to escalate the persecution of Falun Dafa.
10. [Heilongjiang Province] Shuanghe Labor Camp Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
A practitioner shares his personal experience of persecution in the Shuanghe Labor Camp:
On November 6, 1999, I stepped forward to validate Falun Dafa and clarify the truth to the people of the world. On December 8, 1999, I was sentenced to one year of forced labor at the Shuanghe Labor Camp in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, where I suffered persecution so intense and inhuman that it is difficult to comprehend:
- Inhuman torture such as hanging, handcuffed with my hands behind my back, force-feeding and standing straight for long periods of time were among the many torture methods utilized. One time a fellow practitioner and I were sent to a very small cell because we practiced the exercises. This cell was only about five feet long and three feet wide. There were no windows and only one door. There was neither sunlight nor ventilation, and it was extremely cold. There were iron rings on the ground to which the policemen had handcuffed me, making it impossible for me to stand up or squat. I was forced to remain in a bent-over position where I could not turn or move without incurring severe pain. At the same time, there were several fellow practitioners who were beaten with electric batons.
- In January 2000, we were sent to a pesticide factory to work extremely long and extended hours, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. We appealed and raised this issue to higher authorities, exposing the evil and inhumane persecution, but the problem was never resolved. Under such severe circumstances, there was nothing we could do except perform the exercises, and initiate a hunger and work strike. These actions resulted in more torture such electric shock and being hung up.
- We were fed twice everyday, but each meal was only a small piece of bun and a small piece of a pickle. We were forced to relieve ourselves in the cell and forbidden to sleep.
- Those Falun Dafa practitioners who refused to cooperate with the evil authorities were subjected to the cruelest persecution. Those who participated in a work strike were punished by standing for a long time. Practitioners who participated in hunger strikes were force fed, using thin plastic tubes inserted through their nose or a funnel. When Falun Dafa practitioners refused to succumb to these atrocities, the authorities ordered the criminal prisoners to beat the practitioners. These criminals would hold us down on the ground and pry our mouths open with chopsticks. One practitioner's teeth were broken from this cruel punishment. The labor camp added time to the prison terms of Falun Dafa practitioners who went on hunger strikes or practiced the exercises. For practitioners whose terms were complete, the police would on a whim extend their terms without any reason. Practitioners who went on a hunger strike were forced to continue working normal shifts. In spite of their weakened condition, even those who had been without food for over twenty days were forced to work in order to earn more money for the labor camp.
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