January 25, 2001
(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Donghui is a 50-year-old insurance company employee in Dehui City, Jilin Province. One day in early December 2001, she was sent to the No.5 Brigade of Heizuizi Female Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province.
On the day she was sent to the labor camp, the resident medical doctor gave her a physical examination, and found that Liu Donghui could not move her hands. She even had to ask for help in unbuttoning her clothes. The doctor was astonished to see that Li's chest and abdomen were all covered with black and purple bruises from iron chains, and burns from electric batons. She had almost completely lost her hearing, had difficulty speaking and had lost all mobility in her neck. Her arms hung down, palms facing behind her, and she could not move them at all.
When the labor camp doctor asked her what had happened, Liu Donghui told her horrific story, her eyes swimming in tears. "I was visiting a local resident to handle an insurance issue on my own time after work. It so happened that when I arrived, the police were searching this home for Falun Dafa materials. Without just cause, the police took me to the police department, where two policemen searched my portfolio. The portfolio contained 500 Yuan belonging to my insurance company and the cellular phone my company provided for my work. (An average urban worker's monthly salary is about 500 yuan.) One police officer remarked that it looked like a nice cell phone (the value of this cell phone is 2700 yuan) and he took it, while the other said he had just lost 500 yuan the previous evening, playing mahjong, so he happened to be in need of the money. The two policemen thus confiscated the money and stole the cell phone."
"They then took me to a small room and began interrogating me. They asked questions about Falun Gong such as where I got the flyers, who was involved, who was in charge and they asked me to provide them with names. Since I was there merely for an insurance issue, I didn't know anything. They then took me to the vice squad of Changchun Police Department, where they beat and tortured me for seventeen hours with all sorts of torture devices. The policemen even claimed that they would have no problem in beating me to death because they could just count my death as a 'suicide.'"
"The tortures I suffered included:
1) forcing me to sit on a "tiger bench" for 17 hours with my hands cuffed; (a torture instrument: the practitioner is forced to sit on a small iron bench that is approximately 20 cm (6 inches) tall. She has to sit straight up with her eyes looking straight ahead. Her hands are placed on her knees. She is not allowed to turn her head, close her eyes, talk to anyone, raise her hand or call out for the attention of the guards. Many inmates are assigned to watch the practitioner. If she turns her head, they will force the practitioner to hold her head in that position indefinitely. If the practitioner raises her hand to call the attention of the guards, they will force her to hold her hand in the air indefinitely. If she speaks, they will force her mouth to remain open indefinitely. Sometimes the practitioner is forced to kneel to the ground. They then place a wooden bat on her leg and stand on top of the bat to hurt her.)
2) forcing me to sit on another type of tiger bench, which has two iron knobs that are put at both sides of the hips and are designed to rub against the hipbones;
3) using lit cigarette ends to burn my nostrils;
4) suffocating me by using two layers of plastic bags to cover my head, and then tightening the bag by contracting the bag openings around my neck tightly, and even using their hands to pinch my nostrils shut;
5) using a sharpened bamboo stick to pierce me in the ribs around my abdominal area;
6) inserting needles into my finger tips;
7) and the most brutal of all their torture methods was making me lie on my belly on piles of iron chains, then hanging me upside down with both arms tied from behind, and my head placed beneath my hips."
The police tortured Liu Donghui with the above methods for seventeen hours. Due to her age and weakened condition, Liu lost consciousness several times. Finally, since they were unable to get any information from her, they sent her to Dehui Detention Center where she was illegally detained for twenty-one days. The management executives of her company went to seek her release on bail but failed. Liu Donghui was later sentenced to a two-year term of "re-education" through labor and sent to the Heizuizi Female Labor Camp in Changchun City. Due to the devastating effect of her injuries, Liu cannot care for herself in even the most basic tasks of eating, going to the toilet, and other routine activities. Because of her severe disabilities, the labor camp was forced to release her after less than a month. When she was released, representatives of her company had to carry her out.
The labor camp guards threateningly told her that she was not allowed to reveal to anyone the tortures she had suffered.
For a detailed account of tortures routinely applied to Falun Gong practitioners in China's jails, detention centers, and labor camps, please refer to the following two articles:
(The list of vicious criminals:
Guo Guangtian, Director of Dehui Police Station: work 86-431-7222192 home 86-431-7225949
Zhang Qingchun, the Director of Political Security Section: work 86-431-7222344 home 86-431-7264567
Xu Jinlong, Director of Zhenxing Police Station: work 86-431-7222877 home 86-431-7228717
Police Operative Team: 86-431-7223434 and 86-431-7232411
Detention Center: 86-431-7222546
Custodial Center: 86-431-7225375 and 86-431-7233438)
Link to related article on Clearwisdom.net:
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