(Clearwisdom.net) There is only one more week until the Winter
Olympics opening ceremony. Reporters from everywhere have been streaming into the Winter Olympics
Press Center in Salt Lake City to pick up their press ID passes. In order to let more people know
about Falun Dafa and the truth that Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted in China, on
February 1, practitioners from California who had just arrived in Salt Lake City went to the Winter
Olympics Press Center Building to hand out truth-clarifying materials outside.
The reporters who pass by the Winter Olympics Press Center all have special ID on them that are very eye-catching. The reporters are very willing to accept the truth-clarifying materials. When they see reporters with camcorders, practitioners give them truth-clarifying videotapes. The reporters are all very delighted when they receive the videotapes and like to talk to practitioners to learn more about Falun Gong. A newspaper cameraman from Japan was very thankful after he took the videotape and even made it a point to find a souvenir badge in his bag to give to us.
Despite the cold, several elderly practitioners kept handing out truth-clarifying materials to passersby in front of the Press Center. Although they don't understand English, all the passersby were willing to accept the materials. On the way back to where they were staying, they said that they hadn't felt cold at all and that their arms felt light.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth