(Clearwisdom.net) Colwood City Council, British Columbia, Canada, sent many letters asking government officials to do everything in their power to stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. The following is Colwood Council's resolution regarding to support and protect the rights of Falun Gong practitioners.
At the Regular Meeting of Council held January 28, 2002, City Council reviewed your January 1, 2002 letter wherein you requested City Council to take action to help stop the persecution and killing of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
I am pleased to advise that Council passed the following resolution in support of your request:
1. "That the City of Colwood support Falun Gong and demand that the Chinese Government immediately release all Falun Gong practitioners who have been illegally detained, tortured, reaped and persecuted in prison, detention centers, labor camps, mental hospitals and brainwash centers in China; andI have attached copies of the letters sent to Mr. Mei Ping, Mr. Jiang Zemin, the Chinese Consulate General in Toronto, and Prime Minister Jean Chretian. A letter was also sent to the Honorable William Graham.2. That the resolution be sent to the Chinese Ambassador to Canada in Ottawa, Mr. Mei Ping, the Chinese Consulate General in Ottawa, and Mr. Jiang Zemin;
3. That the resolution be sent to Prime Minister Jean Chretian, and the Honorable William Graham, to urge them to rescue Mr. Shenli Lin (a Canadian citizen) and Li Jinyu's husband (landed immigrant) and all the Falun Gong practitioners who are illegally detained."
We hope you will take immediate action to stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
We hope you will do everything in your power to stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Yours Sincerely,
Chief Administrative Officer
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