Dear fellow practitioners,
I would like to share my experiences as a newcomer to the practice of Falun Dafa, and indeed asáa committed one! I have been reading various reports from practitioners and their cultivation experiences. Kindly consider mine.
I live in both Western Australia and in England, and I am sixty-eight years old.
Like most Westerners I had heard of Falun Gong, but I knew nothing about it, and because of the violence against the movement in China depicted in the media, concluded that Falun Gong was probably something to be avoided.
In fact, this attitude was underlined by the reply that my son gave to me when we observed a group of practitioners in Canberra at the end of November last year. At that time we were picnicking in a public park, and noticing a group of practitioners with a banner showing Chinese characters, I enquired who they were.
My son warned me not to approach the group as they were banned in China, and specialized in "brainwashing" people -- in fact, in his ignorance, he described Falun Gong as an organisation to be feared! Not being a person to be easily "fobbed off" with scare stories, I later approached the group and spoke to a representative who was both friendly andáinformative. I explained that I was on a brief holiday from Perth, Western Australia, and he kindly gave me a brochure with the addresses of Falun Dafa practice sites in Perth.
Back in Perth the following week, I glanced at the brochure and put it aside. Coincidentally, in a matter of days an acquaintance recommended that I visit the local practice site, as I told her that Iáhad been advised takeáupámeditation or yoga. Last year at the end of August, I had suffered a life-threatening heart attack. I was going through a lot of personal upheaval; I was also quiteáfraught and evenáin a manic state.áMy physician expressed his alarm at the deterioration in my condition, andáas I appeared to be going downhill fast, he was greatly disturbed about the entire prognosis.
The morning after speaking to my acquaintance, Iáwent to a local practice site for the first time. I have attended there regularly each morning ever since.
It is my greatest joy to have becomeáa Falun Dafa practitioner and to be able to rise early each morning and meet with my fellow practitioners at the local practice site. Although I am a "newly-fledged" practitioner, the changes that Falun Gong has already wrought in my life are nothing short of miraculous! By diligently following the principles of the Fa, I have become --áand am still becomingá-- an altogether different person, spiritually, morally and physically!
I endeavor to apply "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" in all of my daily life, and this has had a profound effect on my immediate family, friends, and associates. Quite unexpectedly, there have been major improvements in my spiritual awareness, in myátrain of thought, inámy behavior, in relating to people around me, in myáappearance, and in my health!
I have been a chronic asthmatic for almost fifty years and throughout this time I have been totally dependent on steroid medication several times daily. In addition I was prescribed "medication for life"-- a daily cocktail of drugs, subsequent to my heart attack. However, since the beginning of this year I have experienced incredible improvements in my health! My medical practitioner was very enthusiastic about, and supportive of my adherence to Falun Gong, and heácommented on the amazing improvement in my health. Follow-up cardiological examinations and tests at the hospital showed no abnormalities!
Every day we read of the scurrilous attacks and the injustices committed against Falun Dafa throughout the world. Let each one of us remain committed to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" in our daily lives. Let us show our gratitude to Master Li by ouráperseverance inácultivation practice. Let each one of usáembrace every single opportunityáto bear witness to the truth about Falun Dafa to the entire world.á
Yours sincerely,
Practitioner from Western Australia
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Category: Beginning Cultivation