- [Northeastern China] Deathbed Struggle by the Evil Forces in the Human World
- [Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province] Railway Station Authorities Force Innocent People to Commit Crimes
- [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Black-Masked "People's Police" Kidnap People
- [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Lanzhou "Legal Education Center" Illegally Detains and Tortures Several Dozen Falun Dafa Practitioners
- [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Police Unlawfully Arrest Five Falun Dafa Practitioners in a Comprehensive Round up
- [Ba'nan Region, Sichuan Province] Many Falun Dafa Practitioners Held in the Ba'nan Region Detention Center are Serving Prison Terms of up to 10 Years
- [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Police from the Wanli Township Sentry Rob Falun Dafa Practitioners
- [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Xi Mingde, Head of the Qilihe Police Department Political Security Section Harasses Falun Dafa Practitioner's Family Members in Lanzhou City
- [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Dalian Forced Labor Camp Police Torture and Force-feed Falun Dafa Practitioners with High-Concentration Salt Water, Inducing High Fevers
- [Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province] Mishan City Political Security Section Officials Commit a Series of Despicable Crimes
- [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Savage Deeds of Jing Dianke, Vice Team Leader of Dalian Forced Labor Camp
1. [Northeastern China] Deathbed Struggle by the Evil Forces in the Human World
According to sources in China, police departments in Northeastern China have received a "Document from the Party Central Committee." The document states that the authorities will use the excuse of the crackdown on Changchun Falun Dafa practitioners' (because of their revealing the truth about Jiang's persecution on TV) to start a nationwide manhunt for practitioners. The emphasis will be placed on those "registered" on the list. A series of follow-ups for further persecution have also been planned.
Fearful of being seen as the number one clown on the international stage, Jiang has seen three years pass since his cry to "extinguish Falun Gong in three months." His recent fanatical actions are a manifestation of the ongoing final struggle of people being manipulated by the remaining evil forces. We hope that practitioners who have seen this report will send forth strong righteous thoughts to completely eliminate the evil and diligently strive forward.
2. [Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province] Railway Station Authorities Force Innocent People to Commit Crimes
I am a Falun Dafa practitioner who has been forced to stay away from my home in order to avoid illegal arrest. On February 21, 2002, a fellow practitioner and I were seeing off a child who was heading out of town to return to his school. At the check-in entrance, a vicious policeman placed a poster board on ground with Teacher's name on it and demanded that passengers step on the board. We immediately started sending forth righteous thoughts. A lot of people ignored the policeman. The policeman even resorted to using crafty tricks, pushing people from behind in order to force them to step on the board. His face was replete with repugnant expressions.
3. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Black-Masked "People's Police" Kidnap People
Early in February, a Falun Dafa practitioner at the No. 3 Middle School in Gaolan County, Lanzhou City was distributing materials that clarify the truth about Falun Gong. Leaders of the school conspired with the police in order to have him arrested. While carrying out the abduction, the police adopted the approaches used by street gangs, covering their faces with black cloth masks. Isn't it quite apparent who is evil and who is righteous?
4. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Lanzhou "Legal Education Center" Illegally Detains and Tortures Several Dozen Falun Dafa Practitioners
The evil forces in Lanzhou City have established three so-called "Legal Education Centers" (brainwashing classes) at the Gongjiawan Merchandise Warehouse, Gaolanshan Youth Athletes School and Hualinping Provincial Traditional Medicine Rehabilitation Center to illegally detain several dozen Falun Gong practitioners. Authorities of each place have conducted inhumane torture, completely ignoring the law and human rights. Each attendee had 6000 to 8000 Yuan [The average monthly salary of an urban worker is about 500 Yuan] extorted from them. Some practitioners have even been force-fed and forcibly given intravenous drips. Their lives have been placed in danger.
5. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Police Unlawfully Arrest Five Falun Dafa Practitioners in a Comprehensive Round up
On March 17, the vicious police in Anshan City, Liaoning Province started an all-out manhunt for Falun Dafa practitioners. They illegally broke into citizens' homes. So far there have been at least five practitioners that have been illegally placed under arrest. According to witnesses, those Dafa practitioners were kidnapped with bags put over their heads. Their current whereabouts are unknown.
The widespread search and arrest is still going on. We hope that Falun Dafa practitioners who have read this report will send forth righteous thoughts together to eliminate the persecution from the evil forces and to help those practitioners who are under arrest to nobly walk out from the evil's lair.
6. [Ba'nan Region, Sichuan Province] Many Falun Dafa Practitioners Held in the Ba'nan Region Detention Center are Serving Prison Terms of up to 10 Years
There are about twenty-four Falun Dafa practitioners held in the Ba'nan Region Detention Center in Sichuan Province. The group is comprised of seven men and seventeen women. From November 2001 to February 2002, many of these practitioners received prison or forced labor terms. Those who have been sentenced to prison terms include:
Zhao Xiulan (female, 59 years old): sentenced to 10 years in prison on December 30, 2001.
Xu Ming (female, 54 years old) and Zhang Jiaying (female, 36-year-old): sentenced to 4 years in prison on November 27, 2001.
Xu Jinling (female, 38 years old): sentenced to 7 years in prison in January 2002.
Duan Zaiying (female, 52 years old), Fan Zhifen (female, 52-year-old), Zhou Xiangrong (female, 36 years old), Li Zhengfen (female, 56 years old), and Guo Li (female, 30 years old): each sentenced to 3 years in prison on February 4, 2002.
Xu Wenxiu (female, 60 years old): sentenced to 3 years in prison on February 4, 2002.
Zhang Anyou (male, 38 years old): received a 1-year term, to be postponed for a year.
There are another 13 practitioners who are said to be on trial and awaiting sentencing.
7. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Police from the Wanli Township Sentry Rob Falun Dafa Practitioners
A news report of February 12, 2002, on Minghui Net stated that the vicious police from the Dadi Sentry of Wanli Township Development Zone had illegally ransacked the Wanli home of Falun Dafa practitioner Shen Yue and her husband, Liu Chunzheng, in Dalian City. The report also stated that the police had robbed them of 3,050 Yuan. It was later verified, however, that the police had actually robbed them of 6,050 Yuan in cash. The following day, the practitioners' family went to Dadi Sentry to ask for the money. The depraved police unexpectedly threatened them by saying, "Yes, we took the money, but we will not return it to you. Go ahead, go anywhere you like! Just try to sue us!" Nowadays, these police are nothing more than common muggers. (link to the previous article: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/2/20/19025.html)
8. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Xi Mingde, Head of the Qilihe Police Department Political Security Section Harasses Falun Dafa Practitioner's Family Members in Lanzhou City
Xi Mingde, Head of the Political Security Section of the Qilihe Police Department in Lanzhou City, has committed a series of reprehensible crimes, and he has been exposed many times on Clearwisdom.net. During the Spring Festival, Falun Dafa practitioner Luo Yingde was abducted while distributing Falun Dafa truth-clarifying literature, and his current location is unknown. Xi Mingde has gone to Luo's home many times to harass his family members.
In addition, more than ten practitioners in Qilihe Area were arrested while posting truth-clarifying flyers in Xiguoyuan. Currently, the locations of several of these practitioners still remain unknown.
9. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Dalian Forced Labor Camp Police Torture and Force-feed Falun Dafa Practitioners with High-Concentration Salt Water, Inducing High Fevers
Recently, Dalian Forced Labor Camp police used various means to torture practitioners who were on a hunger strike to protest. They separated the practitioners on hunger strike from others. Their actions were under tight surveillance, even when they were using the toilet. They were not allowed to have any contact with other people. Every day, without exception, the police force-fed them with high-concentration salt water, instead of the usual corn paste. The high-concentration salt water caused the hunger-striking practitioners to experience high fevers and made them intolerably thirsty. The police used this contemptible means to torture these practitioners in an attempt to destroy their strong will to firmly cultivate Falun Dafa.
10. [Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province] Political Security Section Officials Commit a Series of Despicable Crimes
Prior to the Spring Festival, officials from the Political Security Section of Mishan City so severely tortured Falun Dafa practitioner Chi Chunxia that she became disabled. At present, she is in a deep coma. Occasionally, her fingers and lips can be seen to move slightly. Her two-year-old child has lost its mother's affection, and a perfectly good, three-member family has thus been destroyed.
Falun Dafa practitioner Xing Delu (the third son of Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Yulan, who was tortured to death in Wanjia Forced Labor Camp) has been illegally detained for nearly five months. In the foul environment of the detention center, scabies developed all over his body. Although aware of his condition, the mean-spirited Political Security Section officials said that they would send him to the forced labor camp, regardless.
After the Spring Festival, the armed officials of the Political Security Section in Mishan City opened fire on Jiang Honglu, injuring his leg. Despite his wound, they refused to stop persecuting him. In the detention center, they repeatedly beat Jiang Honglu, causing his head to become so deformed that even those in his own family did not recognize him. His family members asked the Political Security Section officials, "How could you beat him so severely?"
They received an unexpected answer, "It is an order from above." Jiang Honglu's family members visited the Police Department and the Political and Judiciary Committee many times but the officials even threatened to arrest them too.
Contact information:
Meng Qingqi, Head of the Political Security Section in Mishan City
Home: 86-467-5231270
Office: 86-467-5230149
Du Yongshan, guilty policeman of the Political Security Section in Mishan City
Home: 86-467-5223266
Gao Deli, guilty policeman of the Political Security Section in Mishan City
Home: 86-467-5224625
Liu Qin, Political Committee Official at the Mishan City Police Department
Home: 86-467-5223183
Office: 86-467-5222376
Mishan City Detention Center: 86-467-5261117
Jixi City Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-467-2354074
11. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Savage Deeds of Jing Dianke, Vice Team Leader of Dalian Forced Labor Camp
Jing Dianke, Vice Team Leader of the male team that is specialized in detaining Falun Dafa practitioners at Dalian Forced Labor Camp, inhumanely beats practitioners. He connived to instigate the criminal prisoners into mistreating Falun Dafa practitioners. The perverse officials forced Falun Dafa practitioners to wear only a thin shirt for the whole winter day and tortured them by forcing them to sit on a bed of three boards with their hands cuffed from behind. The practitioners were allowed to sleep for no more than four hours per day, and they were not allowed to use a wash basin, much less take a shower. They were also not even allowed the human dignity of relieving themselves. The police physically punished the practitioners by thrashing their legs with wooden whips and insulted them by slapping their faces with books. Among the currently persecuted practitioners are Zheng Dezhu, Li Zhenghua and others.
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