(Clearwisdom.net) Jiang, branded as "Human Rights Scoundrel" by Amnesty International, has been persecuting and slandering Falun Dafa since July 1999, simply out of selfish desire, jealousy and political motives. He brutally persecutes those Falun Dafa practitioners who cultivate themselves to be good people according to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" and he also slanders Falun Dafa and its founder. His lies have deceived hundreds of millions of innocent people.
In the end, good will always be rewarded with good, and evil will meet with evil. Throughout Chinese history, any dictator who tyrannized his people inevitably met his own destruction. Innumerable facts from history have proven that any persecution of cultivators would enrage Heaven and Earth and bring endless disasters to the people and the country. The persecution of Falun Dafa by Jiang's gang of political hooligans has put hundreds of millions of Chinese people in a very dangerous situation. Since 1999, when the persecution of Falun Dafa started, Mainland China has repeatedly and constantly encountered natural and man-made disasters. Those are the mercy warnings from Heaven. The Gods are warning those in authority to stop their atrocities. Through these disasters they warn the world to see the truth of the persecution of Falun Dafa and not be deceived by the lies or do things against heavenly principles and their conscience; otherwise, if the warnings are disregarded, people will harm not only others but themselves as well.
Since the beginning of this year, many unusual phenomena have taken place and disasters have occurred in Beijing, one after another. At the onset of spring, the weather in March already felt like "the intense heat of summer" and the high temperature lasted for several days. The mercury reached 280C [about 82 0F] on March 31 and April 1; all stocks of cold drinks were sold out, and there was a big boom in the sale of air conditioners.
The sudden inundation of sandstorms made the lives of Beijing residents even more miserable. Since March 20th of this year, the beginning of spring, Beijing has suffered the most extensive, most intense and most serious, strong sandstorms ever. Concurrently, severe sandstorms occurred in Northwest China and also in the northern parts of north China and west China. The grayish sky of Beijing gradually turned dark red, with outdoor visibility dramatically decreased, and a strong smell from blowing dirt assaulted people's noses.
In less than a month, after rain had fallen, Beijing encountered another violent sandstorm. It was reported that the dusty weather continued to disturb Beijing after the rain on April 5. On April 6, strong winds recorded a force five or six, which destroyed a residence and injured a pregnant woman. On April 7, a billboard as high as 10 meters along the bank of the Liangma River in the northern portion of the third Ring Road in Beijing was blown down. It broke free from the bottom of the pole and fell down onto the lawn south of the sidewalk. The crash of the billboard also destroyed several electricity poles.

On April 11, a sandstorm hit Beijing again. The morning dawned clear, but by afternoon the sky was permeated with yellow sand particles. Beginning at 2:00 p.m, the sky over Beijing was covered with a layer of "mist," by 4:00 p.m., with intensifying gusts of wind, the sandstorm made a surprise attack again, with many people on their way home from work being caught unprepared. Those who did not bring anything to protect themselves from this fierce sandstorm had to cover their mouths and noses with their hands.

It is a heavenly principle that good will be rewarded with good, and evil with meet with evil. All these many disasters have resulted from the persecution and the slander of Falun Dafa and Dafa practitioners by the Chinese ruling dictator Jiang. The founder of Falun Dafa told people the following principle at the European Conference on May 30, 1998, "When heaven punishes humans, they think it's a natural phenomenon. People don't take these phenomena to be gods' warnings: 'You cannot do that.' People merely consider them natural phenomena. Nothing that happens in this world is coincidental. Just take a look: If any nation, region, or individual does something bad, some special phenomena will immediately follow. Humans' disasters and everything that befalls humans is the result of their own conduct."
All of these repeated, natural and man-made disasters are warnings from heaven, and have again and again offered human beings the opportunity to wake up, not be deceived by the lies, and not be controlled and exploited by the evil. The founder of Falun Dafa has also said these words, "I can tell you, all of the natural and man-made disasters that have been happening in Mainland China are already warnings for the sins the beings there have committed against Dafa. If they don't come to realize it, then the real catastrophe(s) will begin." (Essentials for Further Advancement, Part II)
Wake up, all kind-hearted Chinese people! The only way to avoid even more serious calamities is by seeing clearly the crimes of Jiang's evil regime that slander Falun Dafa and persecute Dafa practitioners, and by immediately stopping Jiang's tyranny. In doing so, you will also lay a fine foundation for your own future.
Act now, awakened people! When you clarify the truth of Falun Dafa to your families and friends, to your classmates and colleagues, you are offering a precious helping hand for their lives. When they have rid themselves of their prejudice against Falun Dafa that was formed when they became deceived by the evil lies, you have offered salvation for their lives and at the same time you have laid a wonderful foundation for your own future.
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