In order to further escalate the persecution of Dafa practitioners, the "610" office in Jilin Province printed a so-called "Focal Target Group Survey," forcing people to participate. Nonetheless, many Dafa practitioners' family members refused to fill out the forms. These family members were all keenly aware of the benefit brought to their loved ones and the whole family by Falun Dafa. They were the indirect beneficiaries of Dafa. They knew the accusations were all fabricated lies and slanders.

Image for article Latest News from China - 04/13/2002


[Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Vicious Policemen in Baimiao Forced Labor Camp Brutally Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners

[Cangzhou City, Hebei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Yang Quanli and Gao Daxing Are Abducted by the Police for No Reason

Image for article <font color = red> 71 </font> Solemn Declarations Received Today

As practitioners in China face tremendous pressure to give up their beliefs under the Chinese regime's brutal persecution, there are those who have given in and signed documents renouncing Falun Dafa. However, many of these people deeply regret doing so after they are released from detention and labor camps. "Solemn declarations" are the public statements made by such practitioners, often at great risk to their personal safety, to declare to the world that the documents they signed under duress ...

Image for article Head of the Yongchang County Police Department in Gansu Province Abducts and Persecutes Dafa Practitioners


March 6th was "Falun Dafa Day" in the Jinchang District of Gansu Province. Dafa practitioners in Yongchang County hung more than 70 Dafa banners and some 1,500 Dafa posters throughout the city. Afterwards, the local police abducted Dafa practitioners on a large-scale.

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