Congress of the United States
Dear _______:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. I appreciate your taking the time to share your views with me.
I am deeply concerned about the reports of torture and other cruel, degrading, and inhuman treatment of detained Falun Gong practitioners. I am shocked that thousands of ordinary citizens from all over China have been jailed for refusing to give up their practice of this belief and for appealing to the government for protection of their constitutional rights
Like you, I believe in the importance of maintaining a clear policy disapproving of human rights abuses. I stand by the President who has made clear from the beginning of his term his stand on human rights. He recently made clear in a meeting with President Jiang Zemin his views on human rights in regards to China. He said, "China's future is for the Chinese people to decide. Yet no nation is exempt from the demands of human dignity. All the world's people, including the people of China, should be free to choose how they live how they worship, and how they work.
Again thank you for sharing your views on this important issue. It is my hope that
this terrible violation of human rights that is being inflicted upon the Falun Gong practitioners will come to an end soon. Please do not hesitate to contact me again with any concerns you may have.
Vito J. Fossella
Member of Congress

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