[Hegang City and Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] After the Falun Gong Truth-Clarifying Video Broadcast Incident, Police Arrest Dafa Practitioners and Send Them to Forced Labor Camps at Will
According to reliable sources in Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province, on the night of April 20, 2002, within a certain area of Hegang City, a Falun Dafa truth-clarifying video was broadcast for 45 minutes on the cable TV network. After the broadcast, police relentlessly arrested Dafa practitioners. In a few days, in such a small city as Hegang, 32 Dafa practitioners were illegally sent to forced labor camps.
According to people close to the source in Jiamusi City's Police Department, during the large-scale raid in April, hundreds of Dafa practitioners were illegally imprisoned at detention centers without just cause. All were arrested from their homes. As long as they said that they would continue practicing Falun Gong, they would be arrested. Among these Dafa practitioners, 100 were illegally sent to forced labor camps, as were another 100 Dafa practitioners from surrounding counties. Jiamusi City's Forced Labor Camp was already full. Although new buildings were built last year, it still couldn't keep so many people in detention. Now lots of Dafa practitioners in the camp have been transferred to Xianglan and other places for detention.
[Weifang City, Shandong Province] Vile Persons in Weicheng District Insult and Abuse Young Female Dafa Practitioner
I am a young female Dafa practitioner. In November 2001 I was illegally arrested by Weicheng District's Xiguan Police Precinct of Weifang City for practicing Falun Dafa. I was brutally beaten and verbally abused by six lawless policemen. They slapped my face. The chief, Guo, stomped on my legs with his leather shoes, which made my legs become severely bruised. They beat my foot with a broom handle and caused me excruciating pain. A young policeman even pulled me up by grabbing me by the hair. They insulted and beat me in this way for more than four hours. Afterwards, I was imprisoned in Weicheng District's Detention Center for one month without just cause.
I was put in cells with common prisoners at the detention center and forced to work day and night. Sometimes I was forced to work continuously for 36 hours. My health and mental state were devastated and at one time I even consciousness. One month later, after torturing me badly, a policeman sent me to Weicheng District's "610 Brainwashing Class." During the daytime there, collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] surrounded me and forcibly indoctrinated me with all kinds of evil thoughts. They slandered Dafa and Teacher. At night, two male workers who were off duty, but hired by my work unit, lived with me in the same room. They called it "taking care of me," but they were actually trying to wear me down mentally! The rules even forbid male and female common criminals to live in the same room! For over ten days I had to face two drunken men every night, which made me almost have a breakdown. (Note: the "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute powers over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems).
[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Yao Zhiwen, a Former Policeman, Goes On a Hunger Strike to Protest Illegal Detention
Mr. Yao Zhiwen, a Dafa practitioner from Wuhan City, used to be a policeman from the No.6 Section of Wuhan City's Police Department in Hubei Province. Because of practicing Falun Dafa, he was fired after July 20, 1999. Mr. Yao was illegally detained at Jianghan District's Detention Center and also at brainwashing classes in Wuhan City for a long time. In May 2001 he was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor in Wuhan City's Hewan Forced Labor Camp. On May 3, 2002, he was released but he was again detained at a brainwashing class. From May 3rd on, Mr. Yao Zhiwen has been on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention.
[Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Arrest of Two Practitioners for Distributing Dafa Flyers
Dafa practitioners Yan Jingrong and Li Yan (pseudonyms) were arrested in Chongqing City of Sichuan Province for distributing Dafa flyers. At present they are on a hunger strike to protest their illegal detention, and their situations are very critical.
[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Police Use Rumors to Plot Arrest of Dafa Practitioners
Dalian City's Police Department personnel recently started a rumor saying that a world wide Falun Dafa Conference was going to be held in Dalian City, and practitioners were going to bomb the Baisheng Mall. They used this an excuse to relentlessly and illegally arrest Dafa practitioners. People who knew the truth about Falun Gong said, "Nowadays, some people just frame Falun Gong with all kinds of bad things."
[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Policemen from Shahekou District Stake out Certain Areas to Arrest Dafa Practitioners; 84-Year-Old Man Detained
Officers from Shahekou District's Police Precinct, also of Dalian City, illegally arrested a lot of practitioners. The officers staked out the front of buildings at dawn or at night to wait for practitioners. When family members opened the door to go to school or work, they broke into the houses to illegally arrest practitioners. A student not quite 15 years old from Shahekou District's No. 51 Middle School was arrested because his/her parents practiced Falun Gong. The mother, Wang Juan, had fallen and was resting in bed, disabled. Policemen also forcibly took her away and further injured her. After she was sent to a hospital, she was taken to the Yaojia Detention Center. A day later, as policemen saw that she could not take care of herself, she was sent back home. Practitioner Mr. Feng Gang, who had just been released less than 20 days ago and had not yet recovered from the scabies on his body, was again arrested. An 84-year-old man was illegally arrested for practicing Falun Gong. Now he is being held in Dalian City's Yaojia Detention Center.
[Hebei Province] Baoyi Cotton Factory Personnel Persecute and Mistreat Dafa Practitioners
On the night of April 24, 2002, personnel from the Security Section of Baoyi's Cotton Factory surrounded Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Rongjie's dormitory, which is located in the factory's residential area. On the morning of April 25, some individuals forcibly took her to the Security Section on the excuse of "having a talk" and attempted to send her somewhere else. Ms. Zhang resolutely refused to cooperate with them and jumped from the second floor of the Security Section building. She unfortunately fractured her hip in several places and is now a patient at the Surgery Department of Baoyi Cotton Factory's Hospital.
Baoyi Cotton Factory authorities fired Ms. Zhang Rongjie in 1999, because she was very determined in cultivation. Since then neither she nor her husband have had any income. The perpetrators arrested her under the name of her former work unit. In 2001, as Zhang refused to give up cultivation, she was sent to a forced labor camp where she suffered inhumane, excruciating tortures. She had wounds all over her body and barely escaped with her life.
[Northeastern China] Small-Scale Experience-Sharing Meeting Successfully Held in a Northeastern City
On May 5, 2002, at a place in northeastern China, around 30 Dafa practitioners held a small-scale experience-sharing meeting where they shared their enlightenment about sending forth righteous thoughts and about clarifying the truth. All practitioners looked for their shortcomings and made rational advances.
[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Xie Rongchun
Around March 11, police from Changchun City's Chaoyang Police Precinct arrested Dafa practitioner Mr. Xie Rongchun from his work unit and took him to the Chaoyang Police Station. Mr. Xie walked out of there on the same day and was forced to leave home. Around April 29, policemen from the Luuyuan Police Station once again arrested him. At that time, Xie had two computers and a printer in his room and over 1,000 Yuan with him. (Approximately 2 months salary of an average urban worker) Later on, policemen waited outside of his residence and arrested another fellow practitioner. This fellow practitioner was tortured with excruciating means for 12 hours, but maintained righteous thoughts during the entire period. With Master's strengthening power, this practitioner finally loosened himself from the handcuffs, which were locked onto a heating pipe, and walked out of the evil's den.
[Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province] Extortion and Persecution Facts of a Practitioner
Ms. Guo Jingfen, 41 years old, is a resident of Sandaogang Town, Yilan County. In May 2000, police arrested her because she practiced the Falun Gong exercises outdoors. The authorities detained her at Yilan County's No.2 Detention Center. The guards constantly verbally abused her and extorted 2,000 Yuan. The chief responsible person is Zhang Huanyou.
On February 20, 2001, police duped Ms. Guo into going to the governmental meeting room and detained her there for two days and one night. On the third day of the Spring Festival of 2002, Li Shangyou and Zhang Xianchun from the police station took 4,000 Yuan from her and still have not returned the money to her.
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