(Clearwisdom.net) There is a village in a town near Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. Before July 20, 1999, this village had more than 40 people that practiced Dafa.
On October 1, 2000, Dafa practitioners from another village in this town went to Beijing to appeal. They were arrested and brutally persecuted. In order to keep his official position, the Party Secretary of the town reported the identities of all the local Dafa practitioners. Party Secretary and political committee member Zhang asked every Dafa practitioner to curse their Master. Otherwise, they would not let them go home. Also, every practitioner had to talk to his or her respective village official and guarantee that they would not go to Beijing to appeal. They were also asked to write a "guarantee statement" [a promise to stop practicing Falun Gong].
A kind branch secretary from the village went to the town government building and said to Dafa practitioners from his village, "We do not have time to delay during this busy season. All of you go back home. I will vouch for all of you." Thus, all the Dafa practitioners from this village returned safely. Some Dafa practitioners said, "You have accumulated a great amount of virtue. Protecting one Dafa practitioner will be rewarded with boundless virtue."
One evening, the words "Falun Dafa is good" were discovered on the village's electricity poles. The chief of the town police station wanted to find all of the practitioners in this village and persecute them one by one. The same branch secretary said, "These were not posted by the Dafa practitioners of my village. I will use my secretary position as a guarantee..." As a result, the chief of the police station went away, and Dafa practitioners of this village were exempted from persecution.
We hope that all governmental officials can position themselves on the correct side of good and evil.
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