News and Activities from around the World
Falun Dafa Information Center, May 28 -- The freed Japanese Falun Gong practitioners told reporters that the Beijing police were very violent and ruthless, and they also fabricated interrogation reports and faked signatures. But they are also victims of Jiang's government's propaganda machine. They were very shocked and astonished to learn that Falun Gong is welcomed in over 50 countries around the world.
Hands Off Cain, the well-known Human Right Organization sent out a news release about the Chief of the "610 Office" during Li Lanqing's visit to Italy. The news release pointed out that the "610 Office" was specifically founded to persecute Falun Gong and has branch offices all over China. It is found in all provinces, major cities and autonomous regions. The "610 Office" is responsible for 415 Falun Gong practitioners dying from police torture and tens of thousands of practitioners being held in forced labor camps.
Ansa Italy, May 25 -- While the Chinese Vice- Premier Li Lanqing was visiting Florence, Falun Gong practitioners held a peaceful appeal, but their activities were restrained at a distance. A Falun Gong spokesperson said: "We have reached our goal just the same because we wanted to let them know that there are Falun Gong practitioners here also."
According to news from the Falun Dafa Information Center on May 28, 2002, a Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference was recently held in Taiwan. Hundreds of teachers from Taipei were invited to attend. Outstanding professionals from many fields joined together and warmly talked about the positive guidance the principle of "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance" has on one's life.
News and Activities Around the World
Alin had been forcefully sent to mental hospitals three times by his work unit in a military academy for being a Falun Dafa practitioner. The combined total detention time in the mental hospitals was over one year. In addition to this, his work unit illegally detained him for nearly four months. Recently, when he was clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa together with several fellow practitioners from different provinces in China, someone reported them to the police. The police then came and arrested them all. Recently, his 7-year jail term was lowered to a forced labor camp term.
Open Forum
According to an investigation conducted by China's State Department, about 25% of the total deposits in banks nationwide are placed in accounts owned by people with fake identities. The deposits are done secretly and made available to individuals and agents from the government and the Party. The total sum of this "hidden money" is about 3 trillion Yuan (about 360 billion US dollars).
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