
On Saturday 15th June, Melbourne practitioners celebrated Falun Dafa Day in the City of Brimbank. The celebration took place in the central shopping centre where we had a stage, tables and photo displays. The atmosphere was beautiful as practitioners prepared for the day's events, which included singing, dancing, experience sharing, exercise demonstrations and morning tea for everyone. A local musician, Suzette Hertz came along to support our event, performing a famous Australian song called "I am Australian", with guitar and vocals.
The Mayor of the City of Brimbank, Councillor Andres Puig opened proceedings, warmly welcoming everyone who attended. He spoke with words that cherished the principles of truthfulness-compassion-forbearance and the unity of all cultures. He also spoke out against the persecution of Falun Dafa, citing how even Australian practitioners had experienced first hand the brutal nature of the suppression in China.
Throughout the day, people's hearts were touched as the little practitioners sung "I am a little Dafa Dizi" . There was a beautiful Lotus Dance to Pudu by the children, with flowing, gentle movements and lotus flower hand signs. There was also some experience sharing on stage by practitioners. Of particular note was that of Jan Becker, a former Olympic Swimmer who represented Australia in the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo. Before practicing Falun Dafa a number of years ago, she had a terrible lung disease that doctors feared she could not overcome. Her personal story of recovery moved many people, as well as the Mayor.
The Mayor stayed for over an hour and graciously took photos with local practitioners living in the area. Before leaving for another engagement, he took the time to speak with practitioners and did an interview with an Epoch Times journalist.
Local media (The Star newspaper) also attended the event and interviewed practitioners about all aspects of Dafa, including the practice, health benefits, persecution in China and the persecution within Australia.
People were shocked that such a peaceful practice is being persecuted and they happily took truth clarifying fliers, videos and DVD's. Layers upon layers of evil were eliminated as people learned the truth, and practitioners rectified Dafa and improved as one body.
The City of Brimbank and Falun Dafa practitioners truly celebrated the magnificence of Dafa.
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