(Clearwisdom.net) On June 4, 2002, the Chinese dictator arrived in St. Petersburg in Russia. Dafa practitioners from Europe, the United States, Canada, Japan and other countries gathered in Kotka, a small border city between Finland and Russia, and about 230 kilometers (about 141 miles) away from St. Petersburg, and sent forth righteous thoughts together to eliminate the evil elements in other dimensions that manipulate the head of evil in the human world.
Several of us practitioners from Canada arrived in Kotka at 3:00 a.m. on June 8. We immediately joined the activity of sending forth righteous thoughts around the clock.

Kotka is a resort in Finland, located along the Baltic Sea, and has an advantageous geographic position. It forms a triangular shape with Russia's St. Petersburg and Estonia. Although the head of evil scurried between Russia, Latvia and Estonia, Dafa practitioners in Kotka remained unmoved. No matter where the evil gathered in other dimensions, we kept sending forth our pure and steadfast righteous thoughts, eliminating all the evil elements in other dimensions that were manipulating the head of evil in the human world to try to damage Dafa.
To make sure we continuously sent forth pure righteous thoughts, we divided into two groups and separated the day into four time periods so that we could take turns sending forth righteous thoughts for 24 hours. During the intervals between sending forth righteous thoughts, we held group Fa-study, reading through Zhuan Falun and Teacher's recent articles.
Much interference occurred during our Fa-rectification cultivation. Pain was the most common phenomenon. One German practitioner had a severe toothache while sending forth righteous thoughts; she realized it was caused by the evil's interference. She thought: Go ahead with your ache, you can't affect my heart at all. When she became unaffected by her toothache, the pain disappeared by itself. Sometimes, there would be interference from xinxing (mind or heart nature) problems. The practitioners understood that Fa-rectification cultivation also incorporates elements of individual cultivation. Only by improving our xinxing and constantly assimilating to the Fa, can we meet the requirement of the Fa-rectification. On June 12, groups of practitioners began to leave for Iceland. Over a dozen practitioners broke through various kinds of interference and remained in Kotka, steadfastly sending forth righteous thoughts and studying the Fa until June 13, when the head of evil left Estonia for Iceland.
On June 14, all Dafa practitioners remaining in Kotka flew to Iceland from Sweden's Stockholm, and all smoothly passed through customs and entered that country. The practitioners who arrived in Iceland that day and those who arrived earlier got together and sent forth righteous thoughts in close proximity to the evil, fulfilling their mission and responsibility as Fa-rectification Dafa disciples.
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Category: Rallies & Protests