[Clearwisdom.net urgent news from Russia at 3:00AM on June 8th, 2002 (Russian time)]: The head of the evil is currently still in St. Petersburg, Russia, but will leave there ahead of schedule at 6:00AM local time, June 8th (10:00PM EDT June 7th, New York time) for a small town in Russia, in order to rest and attempt to recover.
According to reliable sources, under the power of Dafa disciples steadfastly sending forth righteous thoughts from around the world, the head of the evil is now extremely weak and unable to stand by itself, requiring two people to assist it when walking. Practitioners in Russia who are participating in sending forth righteous thoughts in close proximity have begun sending forth righteous thoughts as a group every 1/2 hour, and are extending the duration each time according to their individual situations. The high-intensity sending forth righteous thoughts at this time is being carried out continuously and in shorter intervals not only in Russia, but also in Eastern Europe and other areas of the world simultaneously, including mainland China.
From the information we have received, as this article is being published, more Dafa practitioners around the world who have heard the news are quickly taking action and increasing the frequency and intensity of sending forth righteous thoughts according to their individual situations.
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Category: Evil Meets with Evil