Western Australia is the largest state in Australia and the capital city is Perth. Despite its vastness, the population is very sparse in the rural areas. Most of the people live in metropolitan Perth and the Southwestern region along the coast. Situated at the Western most part of Australia, it is separated from the African and Asian continents by the Indian Ocean. Western Australia is a cultural melting pot, home to many Aboriginal people, European immigrants, and people of Asian and African descent.

July 20 marked the third anniversary of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. With permission from Wesley Church, we utilized space outside the church to clarify the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution. Wesley Church is located just outside the city center and there are usually many people passing by. There are also many tourists visiting the area.
Early in the morning, the practitioners responsible for preparing the Falun Gong introductory and truth-clarifying materials had already arrived at the designated area to set up. They prepared large posters for a photo exhibition. About ten practitioners participated in the activity that day. These included practitioners who had previously immigrated to Australia from various countries around the world. There were also a baby and a toddler less than two years old. The presence of the children made the atmosphere even more harmonious and serene.
Working together, we carried out different tasks. Some performed the exercises and meditation, some pumped up balloons to give to the children and others handed out flyers. Practitioners who were more fluent in English, upon seeing people showing an interest in what we were doing, would go up to them to clarify the truth.
I met an Asian girl from Austria who had been touring in Australia. She told me that she had heard about Falun Gong but wasn't clear what it was about. I gave her some information on Dafa and introduced her to the European ClearHarmony.net website. She was very interested and stopped to observe us for a long time.
The local Australian people, having seen the information and photos on the persecution, voluntarily signed on our petition one after another. There were also many people who obtained the chance to learn about Falun Dafa through the day's event.
A Chinese Malaysian, deceived by the evil lies fabricated by the Chinese government, appeared to be rather unfriendly. Some of the questions that he asked were not easy to answer. I quickly asked one of the practitioners for help. The practitioner listened to the man carefully and answered his questions patiently. It took quite some time but gradually, his attitude softened. I gave him a VCD before he left hoping that he can judge things with rationality, and thereby dispel his misunderstanding towards Dafa.
Today, the sky appeared rather cloudy. A practitioner said that it might rain in the afternoon according to the weather report. However, the weather turned out to be mild and it did not rain. This could be attributed to the local practitioners' sending forth righteous thoughts and we were also grateful for the benevolence of our teacher.
This event has enabled many people to know about the unjust treatment towards Falun Dafa in China and the evil lies made up by Jiang Zemin and his confederates. It is also possible that many people may obtain the Fa through this event. Western Australian practitioners have applied to peacefully appeal in front of the local Chinese consulate and send forth righteous thoughts next week. We, as particles of Dafa, will each do our best within our capabilities to assist with the Fa-rectification of the universe and its purification, thereby assisting Master in the secular world.
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Category: April 25 Events