(Clearwisdom.net) On April 11, 2002, the local police arrested me at my workplace for no legal reason. Since I refused to cooperate with them, a policeman named Zhang Zhiguo (Deputy Chief of Police Station) slapped me on the face five times. Then another policeman, Li Fugui, viciously beat me with bricks, causing severe injuries to my body. The doctor used five stitches to sew up the wounds on my head. At 9 p.m., they sent me to a detention center.
In the detention center, I refused to wear the uniform of a criminal inmate since I had not violated any law. The police then tied me to a bed. I went on a hunger strike for three days to protest. There were seventeen people in my cell. None of them knew the truth about Falun Gong. They all believed the lies they had heard on TV.
I started to tell them the truth. I talked about the staged immolation in Tiananmen Square, about the Zhongnanhai April 25 appeal, and about the persecution I had endured. I told them what I had learned of how to be a good person, and how good is rewarded with good and bad is met with bad. They were very willing to listen and some of them understood the principles of being a good person. The second and third heads of the cell sent forth righteous thoughts with me. They even learned a few movements of the exercises.
They kept me in the detention center for twelve days. Each morning I got up at 2 a.m. to practice the exercises. The chief head of the cell said indignantly, "It looks like the Party is making a mistake. How can the practice of an exercise like this jeopardize state security?"
On April 23, they sent me to a forced labor camp. None of the eight male practitioners accompanying me signed his name on the reception sheet. They told me I was sentenced to two years of forced labor "education." I thought in my mind, "I won't even stay here for two months."
When I was in the forced labor camp, I decided to go on a hunger strike to protest the evil persecution. Some practitioners thought we should spend time getting to know the place, to see if there was anything we could do. Therefore, I did not insist on my point of view. However, I soon realized that passive endurance was wrong. Since I failed to understand the Fa from the Fa, I had been complying with the cell guards' instructions. They watched us closely. They forced us to sit on a bench for fourteen hours a day with our hands on our knees, and with a straight posture. We were not allowed to close our eyes. We were forced to run, to watch TV programs that blasphemed Dafa, and to recite prison regulations.
Teacher said, "No matter what the situation, do not cooperate with the evil's demands, orders, or what it instigates." (from "Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts Are Powerful") We are Dafa disciples. We should rectify everything that is not righteous. How could we follow the evil's arrangement? After discussing this with several practitioners, we decided to get up to send forth righteous thoughts and practice the exercises at midnight, starting from May 12. The guards interfered with our practice, so we went on a hunger strike. The guards increased their persecution. They forced us to sit on a bench for twenty hours a day, taking turns to sleep. We were not allowed to speak. If they noticed that our postures were not straight, they scolded us. A policeman named Cao would either beat us up or scold us. Another cell guard used very dirty, foul language to scold us.
I realized that a forced labor camp is no place for cultivation. We should totally reject the old forces' arrangements and walk out of the forced labor camp. At midnight on May 14, the chief of a unit of the prison named Liu and a guard named Guo came to talk to us. At the time, I heard Teacher's words from "Using at Will" in my ears, so I immediately passed out on the floor with symptoms of twitching. They sent me to the hospital for a checkup and found that I had heart disease and high blood pressure. On May 26, they sent me to a mental hospital. On May 27 they notified my family to pick me up.
Although I had an illegal sentence of two-years in a forced labor camp, I walked out of the camp in thirty-five days. I realized that as long as we believe in Teacher and Dafa firmly, as long as we totally reject the evil forces' arrangements, as long as we do not let the evil take advantage of our loopholes, as long as we truly have righteous beliefs, righteous enlightenment, righteous thoughts and righteous actions, all of our tribulations will become small and Dafa's power will then manifest.
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