July 23, 2002
The following is an excerpt from Congressman Rohrabacher's speech:
"Let me just say that my heart is with you and never ever doubt that the heart and soul of the American people are with you... It is also the problem of good and decent people around the world who must, perhaps sacrifice a little, in order to stand in solidarity with you. And we should be standing in solidarity with all people who long for a better life.
"The people of our country really do believe, you know, we were far from a perfect country, look, in 1776 we declared principles that our country was founded on. But it has taken a long long time for us to try to incrementally, getting things better, to make it a better country. A lot of courage. And people fought in the civil war to free the slaves that were here in our country. Slavery was such a bond of our history, along with racism. But, we have tried to work together. The good and decent people have realized the dream of some of those founders of our country and stood in solidarity to try to make America the country that it was supposed to be and that it could be. But at the same time, we have stood in solidarity together. That sort of solidarity is important with you, and to the people throughout the world who are longing for truth, and compassion, and tolerance, and justice, and to treat people with dignity.
"...I believe that we have an obligation to stand for those higher ideals that bind all people together, and with freedom, we can let all people reach their highest level. You are really showing the way. You know, I can't tell you how much I admire you. I can't tell you how much that I admire you. So thank you all very much for your sacrifice, and for reminding us, for reminding Americans that we have a special role to play because America is a country with all races and all religions and all ethnic backgrounds. People come here from all over the world to show the world that there is a better way, and you are here to remind Americans of what that better way is.
"So thank you very much, good luck, and God Bless."
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Category: Voices of Support Worldwide