(Clearwisdom.net) On June 22-23 of 2002, Dafa practitioners from the twin cities of Kitchener and Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, gathered in Kitchener's central Victoria Park to participate in an annual Multicultural Festival. It was the third time that practitioners have attended this festival, so they wanted to do something different from what had been done in previous years. Several practitioners took advantage of their talent in calligraphy to introduce Dafa, and achieved a very positive effect. Hundreds of pieces of Chinese calligraphy and Dafa truth-clarifying literature were distributed to festival visitors.
Practitioners set up a tent and placed a table and chairs on the lawn. The same as last year, the stand next to ours happened to be vacant, so naturally we had an additional place to offer free instructions and demonstrate the exercises.
As soon as we displayed brush pens, ink, and paper on the table, a curious visitor came over. A practitioner introduced to her three Chinese characters "Zhen-Shan-Ren" (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance) on a color page of Dafa literature. The practitioner told her "Zhen-Shan-Ren" is the fundamental characteristic of the universe and the essential teaching of Falun Dafa. If she desired, she could have a piece of calligraphy of the three Chinese characters free of charge and she could also have her Chinese name signed on the calligraphy with the seal imprinted "Falun Dafa." The practitioners helped every visitor select Chinese characters that carry righteous and beautiful meanings for his or her Chinese name. They also explained the cultural meaning each character implies or cultivation stories mentioned in Dafa. When learning their Chinese names were so graceful and beautiful, smiles were wide and bright on the ladies' faces, leaving them looking more radiant. Gentlemen's backs became straighter and their voices became bolder and more generous after learning that their names were so powerful and noble. Their eyes became kinder while looking at their wives and children.

More and more people came to ask for the calligraphies of "Zhen-Shan-Ren" with their Chinese names. People of different nationalities and races patiently waited in a queue. Other practitioners took the opportunity to hand out Dafa truth-clarifying literature to them and answered their questions. As what people were waiting for was "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," the practitioners wanted to convey through their calligraphy what was also "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," so the topics were naturally focused on "Zhen-Shan-Ren" (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance):
Dialogue 1: "Falun Gong teaches 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance?' Wonderful!"
"What is Falun Gong? ... Oh, is it Falun Dafa? ... It teaches 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance?'...Wonderful!"
"'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' is so good, but why does the Chinese government persecute it?"
"The Jiang regime is so cruel. I support you. ...Oh, I want to sign this petition.... The principle, 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' will ultimately defeat the evil."
Dialogue 2: "So, our whole family will follow 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance'"
"Darling, you need this 'Shan' (Compassion, kindness), so you'll treat me more kindly. I need this 'Ren' (Tolerance). When we disagree with each other, I won't be angry with you. Hi, Peter, remember this 'Zhen' (Truthfulness). Don't tell lies any more. So, our whole family will follow 'Zhen-Shan-Ren' (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance). "
A practitioner replied, "I'm so pleased for your family. This is the fundamental characteristic of the universe. The three words are an inseparable entity. Just like your family, if you follow 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' all together at the same time, it is guaranteed that you will live in harmony forever. In China, over the last three years, in order to safeguard the truth, and in the face of the persecution by the scoundrel regime who uses all military, police, special agents and slandering media, many Dafa practitioners have been taking the most peaceful, unyielding way to clarify the truth to people who are deceived by the regime's lies. This is the power of 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.' This is why Falun Dafa and our Teacher have been nominated three times for the Nobel Prize, and why Falun Dafa has been well received around the world. In Canada alone, nearly a hundred provinces, cities and governments at all levels and local communities issued proclamations for "Falun Dafa Day, " "Falun Dafa Week" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Festival," and also praised Falun Dafa for bringing people mental and physical well being and for its contribution to the world's peace... "
Dialogue 3 "'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' must be powerful."
"This calligraphy is wonderful, I like it so much. Oh, I forgot to ask, how much I should pay you? I guess it must be very expensive....What? A free gift? You are so generous."
A practitioner replied, "Yes, the three Chinese characters 'Zhen-Shan-Ren' we wrote for you are priceless. No matter how much money is paid, it can't buy 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.' But, when we wholeheartedly yearn for it, we find it already in our hearts, and we find that it is reflected everywhere and beneficial to us all. Many of us, because of cultivating 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance', have obtained improved health, and completely turned away from bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, gambling and drugs. We have become more altruistic and responsible to society. Many families live in harmony, and many people's attitude towards life have become positive and full of vitality...."
"I'll cherish it. So many people don't succumb to the brutal persecution of the Jiang regime, 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' must be powerful...."
Dialogue 4. "How could [practitioners following] 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' commit suicide or murder people?"
"I've been in China for many years, I know a lot about the government's persecution of Falun Gong, but I've been puzzling: Why does the government speak so badly about Falun Gong when the Falun Gong I've witnessed in China and other countries is completely the opposite? Just like the three Chinese characters, how could [practitioners following] 'Zhen-Shan-Ren' (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance) commit suicide or murder people? Oh, I feel I was fooled before. I even didn't see through the 'Tiananmen Self-immolation incident' that contains so many loopholes and deceptions. Maybe I'm too kind, and can't imagine a government dares to spread such lies to the public. In Canada, if anyone dared to do this, he would be kicked out of office. His people would reject him."
A practitioner replied, "You are right. Jiang deceives not only many kind-hearted people like you, but also some governments of democratic countries. Have you heard about the 'Icelandic incident' that happened last week? ..."
"Respectable Falun Gong, wonderful Icelandic people, pitiful Icelandic government, shameful Jiang.... Thank you! I'll read Zhuan Falun after I go home. I've studied religion, Buddhism and Taoism, and I've yearned for enlightenment. But many phenomena puzzled me and I don't want to believe churches but rather believe myself. I also wonder where many thoughts in my mind come from. Living in a world of lies, it's hard to discern right from wrong. I feel I have no hope to be enlightened. Nevertheless, today I feel I'm awakened, as if I've learned many precious things. I won't be fooled by those lies any more. Goodbye, I'll cherish all I met today. "
"Yes, we all benefited a lot. We hope you can obtain more benefits from Falun Dafa like us. Also, we hope that you can pass the truth to more of your friends, especially those in China. Goodbye."
And so, people with predestined relationships one after another stopped at our stand to watch and make conversation with us. They expressed their support, some learned the exercises, and many left with the calligraphy of 'Zhen-Shan-Ren.' (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance) At the same time, next to our stand, some practitioners repeatedly demonstrated the exercises and offered free instructions. Young practitioners patiently taught children to make origami. An elderly couple and Dafa practitioners tirelessly handed out flyers, collected signatures and clarified the truth.
Many local Chinese passing by showed their curiosity, but only a few of them dared to come over to ask for Dafa truth-clarifying literature. Many observed us from a distance. Practitioners took the initiative to walk up to them to give them Dafa truth-clarifying literature in Chinese. An elderly couple who just came from China, inspired by the practitioners' sincerity and peacefulness, finally freed from their worries, asked a lot of questions with regard to China's untrue propaganda. In the end, when they learned that we hold all of our activities voluntarily and use our own money, they said with admiration, "Remarkable!"
Seeing people appreciate the pieces of calligraphy with "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," and the brilliant smiles on their faces, we were also very pleased.
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