Letter from French Mayor and M.P.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
You invited me to take part in the peaceful demonstration on July 19, 2002 for the Chinese Falun Gong practitioners under persecution.
I had submitted a written interpellation (N.50211) to the government in my last term in French National Assembly. You may find it under the item of "The Written Interpellation Documents of 11th French National Assembly" on French National Assembly's website as follows: (http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr).
Due to my tight schedule, I am unable to be with you tomorrow, but I fully support you in stopping the persecution of basic human rights.
You may rest assured that I'll pay close attention to this matter.
Ladies and gentlemen, please accept my sincerest greetings.
Mayor of Venissieux City
Parliamentary Member of Rhone Province
Vice Chairman, Common Union of Lyon City
[This letter was written to the Falun Dafa SOS Mailbox on July 18, 2002]
Letter from French Senator
I write in receipt of your email dated July 19, regarding the demonstration in commemoration of the Chinese people's peaceful protest and urging this country that is opening to the world today, to become wiser.
It is a pity that I am unable to come to Paris this time as I am tied up in affairs in my electorate. I wish you a demonstration with dignity, and my thoughts will join you on Friday.
French Senator (name omitted)
July 17, 2002
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