
On the occasion of the third anniversary of July 20, Dafa practitioners from a city in Liaoning Province hung 14 yellow banners with red and very eye-catching words, "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" on the three busiest streets in the downtown area. The 1.6-meter long and 0.5-meter wide banners were hung as high as 8 meters from the ground. These banners effectively frightened the evil and at the same time awakened people. Passersby all raised their heads to look and some even read them aloud. The banners are still fluttering in the wind as of now, and have become part of the beautiful and bright scenery of this city.
Over the past three years of the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Dafa, Dafa practitioners never ceased in their efforts of peacefully appealing and peacefully resisting. They have been using different ways to clarify the truth about the persecution and to expose the evil deceit. Some practitioners go to rural areas door to door or go to farm fields to clarify the truth to the country people face to face. Some practitioners go to the downtown area to post Dafa information. Some go to public places to distribute truth-clarifying materials. Some use cable TV network to expose the deceiving lies spread by the state-run propaganda. Some broadcast the truth about Dafa through radios. Some go to Tiananmen Square to compassionately call on people to be awakened. Dafa truth-clarifying flyers and eye-catching banners can be seen almost everywhere, in big cities, small villages, in coastal areas, and in beautiful scenic places. Over the past three years, in every corner of the country, there are footprints left by Dafa practitioners who have given all they have, even their lives, to awaken people's conscience, to open people's hearts, to help them see clearly the evil nature of the persecution, and to extricate them from the dangerous situation of being deceived. We thank our great compassionate and most honorable Teacher for his enormous endurance and giving which has enabled sentient beings to obtain the opportunity of being saved!
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