(Clearwisdom.net) We found out Thursday that after the trial of the Falun Gong practitioners falsely accused by Hong Kong's police force had been delayed repeatedly, the verdict has also been delayed for one week. From the perspective of Dafa disciples, what does this one-week delay signify? The kind of approach we should take so that we can do even better is a solemn and critical issue. Here are some practitioners' individual views.
1. The target of truth-clarification should not limited to the legal community
Whether we can seize this time to clarify the truth is closely tied to many beings' futures. On some level, the Hong Kong government and legal agencies represent several million people. From the perspective of Fa-rectification, if a democratic local government cannot withstand the Jiang regime's pressure; if they charge Swiss practitioners who traveled thousands of miles to protest the persecution against Mainland Falun Gong practitioners and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance;" if they charge the Hong Kong practitioners who have endured so much in the past few years yet have stepped forward to clarify the truth to the people openly and in a dignified fashion despite the severe environment; if they charge these good people and find them guilty of "obstructing justice" or "assaulting police;" and if the local public cannot step forward to uphold justice, then I believe that every Fa-rectification Dafa disciple has a solemn, objective awareness of what this signifies in the midst of Fa-rectification. Therefore, it is very important to clarify the truth to members of Hong Kong's legal system and media.
At the same time, for the sake of the millions of Hong Kong residents, for the sake of the endless stream of people from the Mainland who come to Hong Kong for business or pleasure, for the sake of those countless more people who are tied to Hong Kong in one way or another, we as Dafa disciples must take this matter as our duty so that these people are not misguided by this incident, so that they may have a bright future. We need to diligently seize every opportunity to clarify the truth to Chinese and English media, government officials, those involved in education, organizations and individuals from each segment of society, all Hong Kong residents, tourists from Mainland China, as well as anyone that has the predestined relationship to encounter us.
2. The content of the truth-clarification should not be limited to the trial itself
Dafa disciples can be found across the world. From the world's major media attention to the trial in Hong Kong, it can be discerned that our truth-clarifying activities are drawing the world's attention. And this is not just attention to the Hong Kong trial itself. Through this event people are slowly beginning to see the true face of the dictator Jiang's blatant and intentional violation of the law as well as the brilliance of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" as reflected by the Falun Gong practitioners. Just as a lady from Germany said, "It is really terrible that a powerful country relies on its financial resources and power to compel others to accept its ideology. What is even more ridiculous is that the photos show so clearly that the streets are so wide. How could the practitioners' appeal be considered as an obstruction of traffic? The people sitting there did not obstruct anyone. But there is an old saying in our Germany that if someone intends to beat others, would it be difficult for him to find a stick?" In fact, more and more people outside China have clearly seen the true nature of this trial that is based entirely on false accusations.
In the large-scale cooperative effort by the those who uphold justice focusing on clarifying the truth and eliminating the evil elements in other dimensions, Hong Kong practitioners and practitioners in other regions outside of China all have their own roles. These roles cannot be exchanged, nor can anyone wait for or rely upon others. If we are able to use this kind of opportunity well, and we can clearly expose the fundamental nature of this matter in depth to Hong Kong and even the entire world while Hong Kong and world media focus on the matter, then this is an effective negation of the old forces and elimination of the evil elements in other dimensions that are controlling the people of the world. As a result of Dafa disciples' righteous thoughts, the old forces' attempts at undermining Fa-rectification then would become opportunities for Dafa disciples to offer salvation to more people of the world. Just as Master told us, "Every time evil uses bad people to damage us, they are actually promoting us!" ("Lecture on the Fa at the U.S. Midwest Conference" July 1999)
3. Looking at problems with righteous thoughts, step out of everyday people's mentality as soon as possible
Faced with one's own laziness and occasional incorrect thoughts, we should eliminate them quickly. While clarifying the truth, we shouldn't slack off in sending forth righteous thoughts and studying the Fa.
Upon hearing the news of the verdict being delayed for one week, my human side's first reaction was to let out a sigh of relief. I thought at some level of consciousness, "There's still a week left." It was as if it were no longer necessary to be like the last few days, thinking of ways to clarify the truth at every minute and sending forth righteous thoughts with great intensity. In reality I was thinking just yesterday that it would be so great to have some more time. But today when there really was more time, that mentality of seeking comfort began to emerge. When my main consciousness was relaxed, human notions began to resurface. Some practitioners said that we'd done things to a certain degree -- let's not overdo it and cause negative effects. Some practitioners were overly concerned about some things such as violating this or that rule or tenet. There were many similar ways of thinking. In reality, this is just interference to our thinking caused by the evil. When we look at it outside the scope of the specific problem, we can all discern clearly right from wrong based on the Fa principles. Master pointed out in "Look at Things with Righteous Thoughts", "The group of evil political scoundrels has never followed the law in dealing with Dafa disciples, so don't disapprove again of the actions Dafa disciples are taking as they clarify the truth, due to your attachment of fear."
Given this situation of the trial itself being based entirely on blatantly false accusations; given the fact that the Jiang regime has disregarded the laws of Hong Kong and distorted them with brute force; for the sake of offering salvation to people of the world, we must use our wisdom to clarify the truth, and fully display that Dafa disciples are compassionate, peaceful and rational. At the same time we must deal with issues with righteous thoughts, as being "good people" does not equate to being "people who are easily taken advantage of." As Master told us, "Indestructible righteous faith in the cosmos's Truth forms benevolent Dafa disciples' rock-solid, Diamond-Like Bodies, it frightens all evil, and the light of Truth it emanates makes the unrighteous elements in all beings' thoughts disintegrate. However strong the righteous thoughts are, that's how great the power is." We Dafa disciples must step out of everyday people's mentalities as soon as possible. We cannot be paralyzed by human notions and the mentality of fear and lose the opportunity to offer salvation to sentient beings.
While clarifying the truth, persisting in sending forth righteous thoughts with high frequency and studying the Fa with a calm heart are also of utmost importance. These are the three things that we Dafa disciples must do well at the same time. "...in reality few of those wicked, rotten demons that can restrain and control people are left. The fewer that remain, the more wildly the evil rages; the fewer that remain, the more hysterical they get." ("Teaching the Fa at the Washington DC Fa Conference" July 2002)
Facing the evil's frenzy and deviousness, even directly interfering by taking advantage of practitioners' gaps in their thinking, we must have clear understandings based on the Fa and eliminate the evil elements through sending forth righteous thoughts and clarifying the truth with determination.
The above are individual understandings to share with fellow practitioners.
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