(Clearwisdom.net) Practitioners in the UK have been holding a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in London for quite a few days. On the morning of Sunday, August 11, many Falun Dafa practitioners gathered once again outside the Chinese Embassy and held a SOS Walk to protest the Jiang regime's extension of its persecution to Hong Kong.

Practitioners marched to the Prime Minister's residence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and delivered appeal letters. Accompanied by the solemn music of PuDu and JiShi, practitioners paraded through Oxford Street, Trafalgar Square, Parliament Square and Chinatown and distributed information about Hong Kong's unjust accusation of Falun Gong practitioners and called for kind-hearted people to express their concern for Hong Kong's freedom and democracy.
Due to the special relationship between Hong Kong and the UK, practitioners clearly realized the importance of disclosing the Jiang regime's evil nature to the British government, media and general public. Many practitioners acted promptly to clarify the truth to members of the Parliament, local governments and media. Many Hong Kong people clearly realized that their freedom is being taken away little by little. They sincerely thanked us for our support and concern of Hong Kong people's freedom and democracy. They provided contact information for various agencies in Hong Kong and asked us to make the truth known to more people.
Our efforts to proclaim the innocence of the 16 wrongly accused Falun Gong practitioners and to protect freedom and democracy for the Hong Kong people will continue.
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Category: Rallies & Protests