Image for article Director of Friends of Falun Gong,

I am an American and I do some business in China. I'm saddened to see how suspicion, fear and corruption have seeped into the whole society under Jiang Zemin's regime. The reality of China today is very different from most people's perception of the country and the one painted by those in power. Today I would like to ask everyone who has any business dealings with China to check carefully that your vendors and manufacturers are ethical and that they ...

Image for article Congressman Thomas Tancredo of Colorado:

July 23, 2002

[Editor's note: For the sake of accuracy, we must point out that the persecution of Falun Gong does not reflect the will of the Chinese people as a whole, or even the will of the entire Chinese government, as many high ranking officials are opposed to the persecution. Jiang Zemin and a few of his political henchmen are totally responsible for this attempt to eliminate a group of people based on their spiritual beliefs.]

Image for article Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas:

[Editor's note: For the sake of accuracy, we must point out that the persecution of Falun Gong does not reflect the will of the Chinese people as a whole, or even the will of the entire Chinese government, as many high ranking officials are opposed to the persecution. Jiang Zemin and a few of his political henchmen are totally responsible for this attempt to eliminate a group of people based on their spiritual beliefs.]

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