(Clearwisdom.net) On July 24, 2002, astronomers sent out an alert regarding asteroid 2002 NT7. At first, it looked like it could be on a collision course with Earth. It would take several more weeks of observation to tell for sure because no one knew what its exact trajectory would be. Since it takes a while to get enough data on any object to determine the risk, astronomers send out a public plea to get as many telescopes looking at it as possible. It is hard to pin down such a tiny object in the vastness of space. Astronomers currently put the odds of it actually hitting the earth at one in 6 million. Yet behind the seemingly miniscule odds, one thing is clear. Even though many people think that science is very advanced, it is still unable to predict, let alone prevent, the occurrence of such a disaster until it is right upon us.

Scientists stated a collision with a large asteroid half a mile in diameter could kill a quarter of the world's population and statistically every 100 million years a 6-mile-wide object hits the Earth in an impact. These statistics clearly support what Master Li in North America Lecture Tour, "This period of Earth began 100 million years ago. Some of you present here might be thinking, 'But what I learned from textbooks is that it's been 3.5 billion to 4.5 billion years.' I can tell you that the period of each Earth has lasted 100 million years, and the previous Earth also lasted 100 million years."

Does such periodical destruction happen by sheer chance? The answer is a resounding no. Master Li expounded the principle clearly in Zhuan Falun, "Things are bound to turn around after reaching the limit! We have found that whenever human societies in prehistoric times experienced periodical destruction, it always took place when humankind was morally corrupt to the extreme."



(Reprinted from PureInsight.org)

Category: Perspectives