(Clearwisdom.net) After the SOS tour of Northern Europe ended in Denmark, Swedish Dafa practitioners went on clarifying the truth in their local cities, calling on the public to end the persecution occurring in China.
On July 21 and 22 of 2002, some of the Swedish Dafa practitioners from Gothenburg, who were just back from the SOS trip in North Europe, ignored their fatigue from their long trip and immediately held a series of activities in our city to inform the local residents of the truth of Falun Gong and the brutal persecution.
Kungsportsplatsen is a place that attracts many tourists in the summer. Practitioners held a display about Falun Gong and clarified the truth to the tourists. We kept hearing people saying "Falun Gong" when they went past us. It seemed that everyone knew about Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners. Because we were short-handed, when we did the exercises, we simply displayed the materials in front of us. People then would just take the materials for themselves. In front of the displays, people milled back and forth. Some read the materials carefully, and some were discussing what they had read.
Some Christians were willing to understand Falun Gong and discuss the issue of the freedom of belief in China.
In what seemed to be sheer coincidence, delegations from different provinces and cities in China went past us one by one. They looked in surprise at the displays and people around us. Every time the practitioners gave them friendly greetings and handed them materials detailing the truth of Jiang's persecution.

Some of them shook their heads, some turned their heads away, some smiled and still some recoiled. Each time, Dafa practitioners compassionately tried to persuade them to cherish this precious chance of discovering the truth. After listening to what the practitioner were saying, "You should know the truth. What are you afraid of? You can make your own judgment after reading this," one of the delegation leaders said, "Fine. Give me a flyer, so that I can know what you are saying." After he took the materials, other members of the delegation also cautiously took the truth-clarifying pamphlets and CDs.
One delegation with four members watched us doing exercises and discussed this with one another. One Dafa practitioner went to them with the truth-clarifying materials, but they avoided him. The practitioner persuaded them to take the materials back to their hotel and read them. One older delegate stopped and talked to the practitioner in a low voice, "We are all officials of the Communist Party, so we can't take your materials." The practitioner also asked in a low voice, "Don't you want to know the truth, even though you are the officials of the Communist Party? Take a look. It will help you realize the truth." He then took some of the materials.
On the evening of July 22, many practitioners peacefully appealed and sent forth righteous thoughts in front of the Chinese Embassy in Gothenburg.
Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/5963.html
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Category: April 25 Events