To call for an end to the Hong Kong police's persecution against Falun Gong, practitioners from the Ottawa area held a peaceful appeal at around 4 p.m. on August 3, 2002. The practitioners performed exercises and sent forth righteous thoughts on the lawn across from the Chinese consulate. A practitioner held a banner that read, "Put an End to the Hong Kong Police's Persecution and False Accusations." The atmosphere of the appeal was solemn and compassionate. Many passing cars sounded their horns in support.

It has been three years since the Jiang regime began to brutally persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The persecution has continued despite strong condemnation by the international community, and now the persecution has been extended to the "Pearl of the East" -- Hong Kong. Even though Hong Kong is under a democratic system, the Jiang regime has used its power to force the Hong Kong political and judiciary authorities to carry out their persecution of Falun Gong. If this is not stopped, not only would it have detrimental effects on Hong Kong's authorities, but it would also have disastrous effects on Hong Kong's democracy and human rights situation.
Today's peaceful appeal made some people uneasy. About one hour after the appeal began, two police officers stopped in front of the Chinese Embassy. One policeman walked to the practitioners across the street and said, "The Embassy is complaining that you do not have a permit." A practitioner walked with the policeman to the front of the Embassy and explained to him the facts of the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong and the goal of the activity. A short while later, one practitioner showed the permit to the police. An embassy official then came out. When the practitioner told the police that the Embassy often makes false claims and wastes police resources to interfere with practitioners' lawful appeals, that official had nothing to say. Upon seeing the practitioners' peaceful conduct and hearing the truth, the police expressed their understanding and support to us. The appeal concluded at around 7 p.m.
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Category: April 25 Events