On December 18, 2001, I went to validate the Fa in Beijing. On the way to Tiananmen Square, I constantly sent forth righteous thoughts.
As I walked through the Square, I continued to send forth righteous thoughts. Then, a plainclothed police officer came to me and said, "Let me see your identification." I ignored him and continued to walk, taking out a Falun Dafa banner at the same time. Next, three officers came from behind and pushed me to the ground. They pulled me into a police van. One officer closed the curtains and then beat me during the entire drive to the Tiananmen Square Police Station.
I did not reveal my name or address and refused to let them take a photo. Subsequently, two policemen beat me, gave me a serial number and locked me in a cell. With other practitioners who had also been arrested, I started to recite Teacher's articles. During that day, 28 practitioners had been arrested, and by nightfall, we were split up and sent to different local police stations.
I was brought to the Taiping Bridge Police Station. The officers there continued to demand my name and address. I refused to answer, so Officer Zhang Yong and another police officer slapped my face, grabbed my hair and smashed my head against the wall. My mouth and nose were bleeding, and I lost much hair. When they tired of hitting me, they again asked me the same questions. I still refused to answer. I continued to use righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil beings in other dimension that were persecuting me. The policeman then grabbed an electric baton and began to shock me. Zhang Yong shocked me on the torso, and the other officer aimed for my lower body. After being tortured with electric shocks for a long time, my entire body was shaking violently, and I fell to the ground. Zhang Yong continued to beat me with the electric baton until I was writhing all over the floor. Next, he placed a chair on top of me and hit me with the baton while he sat in the chair. He shocked my face, ears and neck. I sent forth righteous thoughts while staring at him. He was afraid of making eye contact with me, so he shocked my eyes, burning my eyelashes. Afterwards, they kicked me for a while and then carried me back to the cell, where I lay on the floor and sent forth righteous thoughts.
After they finished dinner, Zhang Yong ordered a few people to carry me outside and torture me. I recited the Fa, and no one was able to move me. After awhile, more people came in and carried me to a place where they used electric batons to shock my palms, soles of my feet, ears and stomach. They even used objects to pull my hair. I lied there without moving and sent forth righteous thoughts. They thought that I had lost all feeling in my limbs and poured water over my face. They then continued to shock me. I sent forth righteous thoughts for them to shock themselves. In the end, they accidentally did so, which stopped them from shocking me further. After pouring cold water on me, they carried me to the courtyard to freeze me. The temperature was minus 25 oC (minus 13 oF), and they left me lying and shaking on the ground for one hour. Next, they carried me back to the cell, and towards dawn I was shaking even harder. They were a bit scared and said to me, "Please don't die! Why don't you get up and practice the Falun Dafa exercises? Do you want us two to help you up and practice?" I still did not move. They called in the deputy, who took me to a hospital. After returning from the hospital, the deputy said to me, "Zhang Yong was wrong for hitting you. We will punish him. As soon as you tell us your address, we will take you home." I did not reply, and all day I silently recited Lunyu and sent forth righteous thoughts. I was imprisoned for another four days, during which more than ten people continued to talk to me, aiming to obtain my name and address. On the fifth day, they took me to the Fentai Detention Center.
As soon as I arrived at the detention center, I was taken to cell number two. Everyday I practiced the exercises, sent forth righteous thoughts and recited Lunyu. Everyday different guards came and talked to me, but I did not reply. On the eleventh day, my back became severely painful, so they transported me to a hospital that was inside a police station. In the basement of the hospital, many Falun Dafa practitioners were being tortured. Upon arriving, you are tied to the bedposts with steel chains, and if you do not cooperate, they hit you and shock you with electric batons. There, they tortured me for seven days before sending me back to the Fengtai Detention Center. On the return trip, a section chief started to talk to me, and I realized that I had been wrong not to talk for the previous twenty days. I had an attachment of fear: I had been afraid that if I had talked, they might have recognised my regional accent. On the surface I was not cooperating with the evil, but actually, I was hiding my attachment and was not being truly unselfish. Therefore, I started to clarify the truth. When I arrived at the detention center, they transferred me to cell number seven, where there were 19 people crowded together. As soon as I went into the cell, I started to clarify the truth to them, and the inmates treated me nicely. Seven people started to learn Falun Dafa, and we practiced the exercises together and sent forth righteous thoughts. Every night they gathered around me to hear me share my experiences. During the day the inmates wore uniforms and sat on the ground. I did not wear any uniform and sat by myself, doing the hand gestures and sending forth righteous thoughts. This truly helped to eliminate the evil. When the section chief, government officials, deputy, doctor and custodian came to talk to me, I used every opportunity to clarify the truth to them.
On the morning of January 22, 2002, Xiao Li (who had started to practice Falun Dafa) told me that the prior night she had dreamt that I would be released that very day. At night, when I was clarifying the truth to them, the guard came in and asked me to collect my things and to get ready to go home. Two police officers escorted me to the train station.
During the entire time, I truly felt the importance of sending forth righteous thoughts. Since the day I was arrested, I started to send forth righteous thoughts, refusing to cooperate with the evil and denying the arrangements of the evil forces. With steadfast determination, I walked along the path that our Teacher had arranged for me, and I managed to walk out of the detention center with dignity.
July 23, 2002
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