September 10, 2002

Dear Mr. Bush,

My name is Karen Chen. I was born in North Carolina. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. I am eight years old and I'm a third grader. My mom and dad have been practicing Falun Gong since 1996, when I was two.

Falun Dafa made me a good person. I'm a good student at school. When somebody hits me or pushes me, I do not do it back. When somebody curses at me or says bad words to me, I don' t mind because I' m a Falun Dafa practitioner. Falun Dafa has helped my whole family. My dad used to have Hepatitis B. He could not even get up from bed. After he started practicing Falun Dafa he got cured. My mom and dad don' t get mad at each other anymore and we are a great family.

Falun Gong teaches people to be truthful, benevolent, and tolerant. This is a very peaceful exercise. But in China, Jiang Zemin is persecuting it. He is beating up good people and that is bad. When I was in China three years ago, they had TV programs saying bad words about Falun Dafa all the time. I didn't like it. My grandma didn't like it, either. We try to tell people the truth, Falun Dafa is good and Jiang Zemin is wrong. He is not a good person. I hope you understand.

Yours truly,

Karen Chen