On September 27, 2002, the Adam's Mark hotel at the center of Denver, Colorado was crowded with people. President Bush's luncheon was held at the main conference room here.

In his speech for the luncheon, the President emphasized that the terrorists attacked America because they hate the democracy and freedom in the United States. As Falun Dafa practitioners, we immediately thought about the Jiang regime's state terrorism in China. In a warm environment of cherishing democracy and freedom, the President walked down to shake hands with attendees. One Vietnamese Falun Dafa practitioner shook hands with the President and expressed his hope that President Bush would "protect freedom and help Falun Gong." He also handed a bunch of postcards to him. Another Chinese Falun Dafa practitioner talked to President Bush, saying, "Mr. President, please tell China's leader Jiang to stop the persecution [of Falun Gong] in China when you meet him."
During the luncheon, the practitioners talked to Senators, Congressmen and Congressional candidates warmly. They handed truth-clarifying materials to them and asked for support for Resolutions 188 and 447. We also invited them to attend the rally organized by Freedom House and Amnesty International in Washington DC in October. When the practitioners spoke about the brutal torture against Falun Gong practitioners in China, many of them were deeply moved.
Many Falun Dafa practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts on the sidewalk outside the Adam's Mark Hotel continuously for two hours. During that time, reporters from two major newspapers, the "Denver Post" and "Rocky Mountain News," interviewed the practitioners and took photos. Two local TV stations also reported the event on site. The practitioners' sending forth righteous thoughts became part of their news. Many people asked for introductory materials about Falun Gong.
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