name is Chen Jian, pictured above with my young daughter. I was a line worker in
the Dongshan Branch of the Guangzhou Telecommunication Bureau. I lived in a
district administered by the Police Station of Guangzhou Police Department.
I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 1998. I started to practice Falun Gong after I had surgery in the Ghuangzhou Cancer Hospital. Guided by Zhuan Falun, I understood that a Falun Gong practitioner should cultivate xinxing, cultivate compassion and virtue, and should not fight with others for personal interest. I concentrated on my cultivation and, in accordance with the teachings, took personal fame and interest lightly. My cancer was cured without any medicine.
In July 1999, the persecution of Falun Gong started. I didn't give up practicing Falun Gong because it had given me a new life. I think a Falun Gong practitioner should be open and aboveboard, compassionate and upright. In June 2000, I decided to go to Beijing to proclaim the truth of my cultivation because my local government had denied my appeals. However, the Beijing Appeals Office turned out to be a detention center. I went to Tiananmen Square and unfurled a banner that read, "Falun Dafa is Good." Given the current situation, this is the only way for Falun Gong practitioners to express what they think in their hearts . Afterwards, I was arrested and detained. I was also treated unfairly but tolerated all of this unfairness with a compassionate heart, as a practitioner should do. I believe that truth will be shown to the whole world because history is fair.
On July 1, 2002, the leader of my work unit told me, "No one is allowed to practice Falun Gong at home. Anyone who refuses to write the "Guarantee Statement" will be arrested and sent to a brainwashing class." I was also told that if I didn't give up my practice in the brainwashing class, I would be sent directly to a forced labor camp without any trial
Many people tried to persuade me to write the "Guarantee Statement." They considered Falun Gong to be a political movement. I am a Dafa practitioner. How could I give up my practice just because of these groundless accusations against Falun Gong? I don't want to be against anybody. However, cultivation requires that we not keep silent in the face of such unwarranted persecution. I cannot ignore my relatives' suffering brought on by the persecution. My five-year old daughter needs me. A good family was torn apart. Should practitioners and their family members who don't fight back when being punched or insulted continue to suffer from all of this persecution?
A living being should be given the rights of free speech and basic human dignity and be allowed the right of protest when treated unfairly. Friends, please be willing to come close and know the truth of Falun Gong. I need your help, my daughter needs your help, and my parents need your help.
The phone number of my workplace: 01186-20-87750011
[Update: Chen Jian was forcefully taken to a brainwashing center on August 12. Her current status is unknown.]
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