January 13, 2003
Re: 46 Reported Deaths from persecution since November, 2002
Canada, please help stop the killing
Dear Prime Minister and other government officials,
Just a few days into the New Year, with the holiday atmosphere still fresh in our minds, how eager I am to bring you good news and to share great happiness. Yet I'm sorry to report that this is not the time, not while the persecution of Falun Gong is escalating and the number of death cases continues to rapidly rise. I feel so sorry, yet obligated and compelled to inform you of this appalling fact: since November, 2002, 46 practitioners of Falun Gong have been reported to have been tortured and killed by authorities in China.
In fact, the total number of verified wrongful deaths from persecution now stands above 550, while sources in the Chinese government have indicated the actual number is in the thousands. For every man or woman tortured to death in China for practicing Falun Gong, there are hundreds more tortured. Over 100,000 are imprisoned without trial, and literally millions have been forced out of their homes, expelled from their schools, fired from their jobs, even forced to live a life of homelessness to avoid certain arrest.
Among the millions in danger are 15 family members of Canadians facing torture and imprisonment and death. Two have already been killed.
But why? Falun Gong espouses Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. It does not pursue political goals, and is entirely peaceful. So why all these killings? Even though the Chinese dictator has lost all rationality in this affair, doesn't the killing continue also because of the world's silence? Could part of the reason be that the majority has been too shy and soft to say "No" to these tyrannical crimes? It is a sad fact. For example, the United Nations Human Rights Commission has failed to send any message to condemn such atrocities occurring in China. Isn't this a responsibility for all member countries?
We are so grateful for all that you and Canada has done to support Falun Gong in the past. However, the critical situation deserves more attention and effort.
We once again appeal to your hearts to continue to do all that you can to help stop the murder of Falun Gong practitioners in China. We appeal to our government to
- Publicly condemn these killings directly as well as the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in general
- Initiate a resolution censuring China for the persecution of Falun Gong at the annual meeting of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in March 2003 in Geneva
- Or maybe you know of some other way to help... We ask you to please do whatever you can.
Please feel free to contact us for any information you may need. On behalf of the millions of persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners in China who are unable to speak out for themselves, we thank you for your time, for your concern, and for your help.
Yours truly,
Practitioner from the Falun Dafa Association of Canada
For a list of the confirmed death cases, please visit
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Category: Rallies & Protests