
Dafa practitioners in France wish Teacher Li a Happy New Year

Dafa practitioners in Paris, representing the whole body of practitioners in the other French provinces, wish our respected Teacher a Happy New Year!

In the New Year ahead, the entire body of Dafa practitioners in France will double their efforts to do well in all that a Dafa practitioner should do in this special period of time and to not let Teacher down.

All Dafa practitioners in France

Chinese version available at: http://www.yuanming.net/articles/200212/15799.html

Northern Europe Dafa Practitioners Wish Teacher Li a Happy New Year

With the New Year approaching, Northern European Dafa practitioners from Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland would like to wish a Happy New Year to Teacher Li. Teacher: we will definitely use our righteous thoughts and righteous actions to fulfill our historical mission.

Chinese version available at: http://www.yuanming.net/articles/200212/15837.html