On January 10th 2003, member of the Danish Parliament and spokesman for the Danish People's Party Mr. Peter Skaarup raised a question to the Foreign Minister of Denmark, which required a written answer by the minister. The English translation of the Foreign Minister follows:
Question to the Foreign Minister for a written answer (No. 20):
"In view of the restrictions on the freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of association, which the Chinese government plans to impose on the former British crown colony, what initiatives does the minister propose to take in order to ensure that the citizens of Hong Kong, which was handed over to the Chinese rulers in 1997, can continue to preserve their civil rights?"
Explanatory statement:
"The questioner refers to, among other things, the editorial in Jyllandsposten (largest newspaper in Denmark) on December 16th 2002, wherein is stated that practicing lawyers, labour unions in Hong Kong and the international business community in the so called administrative region, are fearful of infringements of their basic rights of freedom in regard to a law that apparently protects China's national security. The questioner's understanding of this is that this law proposal fundamentally undermines the so-called "one country two systems" principle, which was a prerequisite for the handing over of Hong Kong to Chinese control in 1997. In the questioner's view it is exceedingly worrying that, among other things, the so-called "unauthorized and harmful disclosure" of governmental information, as well as military secrets and certain foreign political subjects, is liable to punishment. There is also reason to fear the banning of labour unions in the region. The infringements of the freedom of speech in Hong Kong is all the more worrying since the former crown colony serves as a hub for the major part of East Asia's media world. To the questioner's mind the planned legislation goes against the basic freedoms and rights, which any country should uphold, and which China agreed to respect when taking over the former British crown colony. The questioner finds it important that the Danish (government) makes it clear to the Chinese government that we do not find it acceptable when such explicit agreements on the freedom of expression are circumvented in this manner.
The original Danish text:
10. januar 2003
Sp rgsm l til skriftlig besvarelse (o 20)
Af: Peter Skaarup (DF)
Til: Udenrigsministeren
Sp rgsm l :
"Hvilke initiativer p t nker ministeren at tage for at sikre, at indbyggerne i Hong Kong, der blev overgivet til de kinesiske magthavere i 1997, fortsat kan bevare deres frihedsrettigheder set i lyset af de indskr nkninger, som den kinesiske regering nu planl gger af ytrings-, forsamlings-, og foreningsfriheden i den forhenv rende britiske kronkoloni?"
Begrundelse :
"Sp rgeren henviser blandt andet til Jyllands-Postens leder den 16/12-2002, hvoraf det fremg r, at Hong Kongs praktiserende advokater, fagforeninger i Hong Kong og det internationale erhvervsliv i den s kaldt administrative region frygter overgreb mod deres basale frihedsrettigheder i forbindelse med indf relse af en lov, der angiveligt skal beskytte Kinas nationale sikkerhed. Efter sp rgerens opfattelse er der med dette lovforslag tale om et fundamentalt brud med det s kaldte "ét land -- to systemer-princip", der var en foruds tning for overgivelsen af Hong Kong til kinesiske overherred mme i 1997. Sp rgeren anser det som endog s rdeles bekymrende, at bl.a. s kaldt "uautoriseret og skadelig afsl ring" af regeringsinformationer, herunder milit re hemmeligheder og visse udenrigspolitiske emner, vil kunne straffes. Ligesom det kan frygtes, at fagforeninger vil blive forbudt i regionen. Overgrebene mod ytringsfriheden i Hong Kong er des mere bekymrende, fordi den tidligere kronkoloni er centrum for store dele af stasiens medieverden. Den p t nkte lovgivning strider efter sp rgerens opfattelse mod basale frihedsrettigheder, som ethvert land b r overholde, og som Kina i forbindelse med overtagelsen af den tidligere britiske kronkoloni har lovet at respektere. Sp rgeren finder det vigtigt, at det klart signaleres over for den kinesiske regering, at vi fra dansk side ikke finder det acceptabelt, at man p den m de omg r klare aftaler om ytringsfrihed i Hong Kong.
Til Udenrigsministeren
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Category: Grassroots Resistance in China