Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (Part 25) - Irish Practitioner Mistreated and Detained in China (photo)
Case 4-1: Irish Citizen Maltreated after Appeal on Tiananmen Square
Country: Ireland
Name: Brian Trought, 23, Master's student in University College Cork
Location of incident: Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China
Trought (middle of picture) participated in the first appeal on Tiananmen
Square with 35 other westerners. While being forcefully lifted into a police
van after beginning the appeal, police stomped on his legs several times to
force them down.
Later, he walked away from the scene of the appeal, but was forced to go to Qianmen police station (a police station just off Tiananmen Square) for questioning. The film from his camera was exposed and he was questioned along with four others as to why he was visiting China.
While in detention in Qianmen police station, Mr. Trought met three international journalists whom the police had also detained. Mr. Trought said, "The journalists were there to have their footage inspected by police to ensure no details of the appeal or the treatment of western Falun Gong practitioners during their arrests was documented."
Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200301/9294.html
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Category: Accounts of Persecution