Driving through small communities that don't have any practitioners, we have become the voice of the body of practitioners, reaching the hearts of many Canadians who have been eagerly waiting to learn the facts.

The morning of October 21st we were scheduled to arrive in the cities of Abbotsford and Chilliwack to meet with local media. The location we'd planned on in Abbotsford wasn't ideal due to its remoteness, so we changed plans and set up our pictorial display in a more busy and central location. After redirecting the media we started to practice the exercises and clarify the truth to passersby. One man was so touched by what he heard that he stayed with us for a long time. He said that he felt better to have met us and that our meeting had a positive impact in his life.

In Chilliwack, our righteous field attracted many people including a group of young men and boys who readily wanted to learn the practice. We also received many "thumbs up" and encouraging honks from the many passing cars.

We went to visit the Mayor's office in Abbotsford and met with his secretary. She was delighted to meet with us and was touched by our stories and by the fact that we took the time to stop and talk with her. She promised to make copies of our truth-clarifying material and present them to all the council members. As we entered the Mayor's office in Chilliwack, the mayor had just come out of a meeting. Seeing us at the reception desk, he came right away to attend us. We gladly offered him an information package and explained what Falun Dafa is and about it's history, letting him know about the Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice, and what he could do to help. He parted promising to study the documents carefully.

Everywhere we go, and with every person we meet, we truly feel as though history is being made; people are learning the facts and the practice, and this will affect their future tremendously.

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A Citizen in Abbotsford learns the truth
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Children learning the exercises in Chilliwack Men in Chilliwack learn the facts