
Facts of the Persecution

As of November 5, 2003, there have been at least 21 Dafa practitioners in Daqin City, Heilongjiang Province, who have been tortured to death. The names and deaths were verified through sources that managed to break through China's information blockade. These 21 deaths account for 16% of the 131 Dafa practitioners whose identities could be verified, and who died from torture in Heilongjiang Province. Of the 21 cases, 5 were former employees of the Daqin Petroleum Management Bureau, and 6 were former employees of Daqin Oil Field Company, accounting for 23.8 and 28.6% of death cases respectively in Daqin City. Employees of these two companies were instrumental in torturing a total of 11 Dafa practitioners to death, accounting for 52.4% of death cases in Daqin City and 8.4% of death cases in Heilongjiang Province as of November 5, 2003.

The Shulan City Detention Center in Jilin Province is illegally detaining the following Dafa practitioners: Mr. Zhu Yujun, Mr. Xie Guichen, and Mr. Li Shixia. Mr. Zhu has protested his detention through a hunger strike, lasting close to a month. During the past month, Mr. Zhu was sent to the hospital twice for emergency resuscitation. The staff of the Shulan City Detention Center was unmoved by Mr. Zhu's health condition. They attempted to transfer him to the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp in Jilin City, Jilin Province for even more severe torture. Jiutai refused to accept Mr. Zhu, so the Shulan City Detention Center held him at their facility and continued to torture him. Mr. Zhu Yujun has become extremely frail. In fact, he was close to death at the time of this article. Another Dafa practitioner, Mr. Xie Guichen, is also on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention. Mr. Xie Guichen has also been subjected to brutal torture at the Shulan City Detention Center. They twice attempted to transfer Mr. Xie to the Changchun Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp. This camp refused to accept Mr. Xie because of severe injuries from torture he received at Shulan. Shulan City Detention Center staff continues to torture several other Dafa practitioners. We understand that they too were severely injured by the brutal torture. Therefore, it comes to no surprise that given their physical condition, the forced labor camp would not accept them.