
Facts of the Persecution

1) Some of the people directly responsible for persecuting Dafa practitioner Wang Hongbin to death: The captains of the second brigade in Shijiazhuang City Forced Labor Camp in Hebei Province, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Li and Mr. Shi; the captain of the fourth squadron Mr. Zhang Fujian; the instructors Mr. Yu and Mr. Ding; captain Liu Bawu, and the captains of the second squadron Mr. Bian, Mr. Dong and Zhang Li (cell phone: 86-13932199787).

2) The police in Balizhuang Forced Labor Camp, in Baoding City, Hebei Province feared exposure of their crimes, so they secretly took the steadfast Dafa practitioners to the fourth floor where there was nobody around and carried out cruel torture. Some Dafa practitioners were handcuffed for a very long time while others were viciously beaten. They also forced them to do long, hard labor.

3) During the SARS epidemic, Luo Gan (one of the members of Chinese Politburo) went to Jiaozuo and Mengzhou cities and conspired to have the "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems) and the police intensify the persecution of Dafa practitioners. In May, the two cities simultaneously began to illegally arrest and kidnap Dafa practitioners, and forcibly send them to the brainwashing class. The place in Jiaozuo where they carried out the torture was the courtyard next to the suburban training area of the police school. Each Dafa practitioner was closely flanked and watched by two overseers, and forced to go through brainwashing sessions and watch propaganda on videos all day. In Mengzhou City, the brainwashing class began in May. At the time, more than 20 Dafa practitioners from the paper mill in the southernmost region of the city were detained there. On June 8, a Dafa practitioner was tortured, and even now his whereabouts are unclear. The steadfast Dafa practitioners were handcuffed and shackled for over ten days. The still unyielding ones were sent to the brainwashing class in Jiaozuo. It was said that the arrest of Dafa practitioners and brainwashing class would resume when wheat planting was over.

The Truth and People's Hearts

1) Old Chinese Cadre Clarifies the Truth: Why Were the Two Self-Immolations Different?

My uncle is a retired cadre, and frequently clarified the facts about Falun Gong to the other old cadres. During a vacation last October, he listened to the news report from overseas that some people had self-immolated in Tiananmen Square. When he clarified the truth to the old cadres, he raised the question: "Why did the reporters not get any shots this time? Why did the police not bring out the fire extinguishers and fire-fighting blanket in time? Last time, when it was said that Falun Gong self-immolated, the police put out the flame in one minute, and all kinds of fire equipment was on hand. The reporter's distant and close-up shots were all complete. It is obvious. Last time, it was a connived plot to frame Falun Gong." The old cadres listened and nodded repeatedly.

2) Crazy Murderer Caught; Lies Self-Destruct

During two years between 2001 and 2002, in the adjacent areas of Henan and Anhui provinces, there were frequent occurrences of robberies, rapes and homicide with as many as 41 victims. The public security department investigated for a long time, but had yet to solve any cases. Terror filled the area. The evil scoundrels immediately seized the occasion to spread rumors to frame Falun Gong once again, saying that this crazy killer "practiced Falun Gong," and that he would kill 100 people to reach "consummation." This lie had surfaced in the two places in Henan and Anhui once before and caused interference with Dafa practitioner's truth clarification. However, a lie is a lie. On September 24, 2003, Zhoukou Daily's Weekly legal column reported that the crazy murderer Bian Kuang, the mere mention of whom would turn people pale with fear, was caught on July 24, 2003, and given the death penalty by Zhumadian People's Intermediate Court. Bian was from Shangcai, Zhumadian and had served sentences twice in 1989 and 1999 for crimes he had committed. During his time in prison, he was often severely admonished by the prison guards, sowing the seeds for his hatred of the public security system. After being discharged from the jail, he, Fu Xinyuan and two other people conspired to commit crimes. Their methods were extremely cruel, and their purpose was to make trouble for the public security. With the conclusion of this, the fact that the public security department had lied to frame Falun Gong was exposed.

3) Laborer in China: "The Police Are so Cruel to Me, and I Do Not Even Practice Falun Gong"

Past 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon of October 15, 2003, I pumped water for a rented house on schedule (Because the hydraulic pressure was very low there; there was no water above the second floor. Water had to be pumped upstairs.) When I finished and was about to leave, I was grabbed by a group of unidentified people, forcibly put into a red car and taken to the division of investigation of the public security sub-bureau. On arrival, I was given a work over with punches and kicks before being interrogated. They asked me: "Do you practice Falun Gong?" I said: "I do not." They said: "Tell the truth, or else...!" I said: "It is the truth." After they were satisfied that I told them the truth, they said: "Your landlord practices Falun Gong. It is bad for them to practice Falun Gong ..." Eventually, they said: "Why do you pump water for him?" After I told them the reason, they wanted me to tell them where the landlord went. I told them the landlord only hired me to pump the water and said he wanted to go on a trip. I knew nothing else. They then kicked me in my stomach and pounded at my loins. Later on, they conferred a bit at the entrance and said to me: "It is not easy to work for somebody. If you tell us where your landlord is, we will give you several thousand Yuan to start your own business, how's that sound?" I thought to myself, I couldn't possibly do such a vile thing to cause people harm. My landlord had never mistreated me, besides, from what I knew, people who practiced Falun Gong were all good people. So I rejected their offer. They were so enraged that they threatened me with an 800 Yuan fine for my release.

News from China

Since July 20, 1999, Gao Feng, the chief of National Security in Shanan sub-bureau, Zhoukou municipal public security, Henan Province, was dead set on following Jiang Zemin's political regime to persecute Falun Gong, and he has accrued piles of blood debts. He used persecuting Dafa practitioners as an excuse to openly accept gifts, impose illegal fines, make secret demands, and other illegal means to amass hundreds of thousands of Yuan.