(Clearwisdom.net) Wuchang District's Yujiatou Brainwashing Center was forced to close in December of 2002 because it was investigated by an international human rights organization and by the international media. But since January of 2003 the Political and Judiciary Committee and the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] of Wuchang district started to kidnap and brutally persecute Dafa practitioners again. Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Huimin was a Hubei Provincial Women's Union officer who was kidnapped and taken to Yujiatou Brainwashing Center. Because she refused to give up cultivating Dafa, she was tortured and not allowed to sleep for more than 10 days and nights. Liu Huimin persisted in cultivating Dafa and refused to cooperate with any demand from her captors, so the evil people took her away, and her whereabouts are still unknown.
Guo Hai'ou, female, was a retired employee of the Wuchang Rolling Stock Plant, Wuhan City. Guo Hai'ou. After renouncing her belief in Dafa, she joined with Zhang Wenyu to collaborate with the evil in persecuting Dafa practitioners. There were a husband and wife who came from Xi'an, both of whom were Dafa practitioners. Guo Hai'ou recognized them and reported them to the "610 Office." Soon this couple was kidnapped and transferred back to Xi'an, where they were brutally abused. The husband was tortured to death. (Details are still under investigation)
Zhang Wenyu, female, was an employee of the Wuhan City Electric Power 3rd Department. After being brainwashed by the evil "610 Office," she took the initiative to persecute Dafa practitioners in the brainwashing center. She kept practitioners from going to sleep and forbade them to go to the bathroom to the point of being incontinent. She also informed the "610 Office" on other Dafa practitioners. For this abominable conduct she is being paid 800 Yuan [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China] per month by the "610 Office."
February 12, 2003
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