Recently, I suddenly felt that my heart is very pure and full of compassion and mercy, without any evil thoughts. I previously came to realize the mercy of the Fa principles, which I had never enlightened to myself, but this time I was able to enlighten to it: If I think about others first, the capacity of my heart is broadened. While I was feeling so joyful, I wanted to explore the reason why. I suddenly remembered that I always wanted to post articles on the Minghui website about the stories of our local persecuted practitioners and some of my own experiences. However, I was unable to do them in a timely manner due to interference from the old forces. Several days ago, after breaking the old forces' arrangements with righteous thoughts, I successfully finished some articles and gave them to a practitioner to submit to Minghui. The reason why we could break the old forces' arrangements is because we upgraded together. Therefore, I enlightened to the fact that we cannot upgrade holistically and individually unless we have righteous thoughts and righteous actions, and that, while doing Dafa work, we can accomplish our historic role as Fa-rectification Dafa disciples only after improving our xinxing (heart and mind nature).
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