My dear son,
It has been over a year that we have last seen each other. You probably have grown as tall as Mom now. In about two months, you will reach your 11th birthday, but Mom has not been able to celebrate your birthdays with you for three years. Now you are finishing up elementary school, and must be very busy with your study, Mom is not with you, so you have to handle all these now on your own.
In such a severe situation, Mom has not forgotten about you. If the dictator had not started the persecution of Falun Gong, how could your Mom be arrested, detained and sent for forced labor? The dictator keeps Mom from going home and taking care of you. Do you still remember? Mom always told you to treat your schoolmates nicely, don't retaliate when others hit or curse you, and always live by "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." We practice Falun Gong only to be good people with high moral standards. Mom has not opposed the government, but only tells the facts to the government.
In the labor camp, they did the so-called "reforming" work to Mom. How could I act against my will to tell lies, slander Teacher and Dafa in order to safeguard my own benefits? This is ignominious behavior. Mom will never give in. Standing firm with the truth and telling only the facts is part of my life. Xue Hongjun, who was involved with the "Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation," came to the labor camp to spread rumors. A practitioner from Kaifeng City who is now with me in the labor camp knew him very well. Xue Hongjun never really practiced Falun Gong, as he had continuously been drinking alcohol, smoking, gambling and visiting prostitutes. Think about it, how can he be a Falun Gong practitioner? Falun Gong practitioners should do according to Teacher's Fa. Teacher said, "committing suicide is sinful." (Lecture in Sydney) They were ordered by those in power to put on the "Self-Immolation" show on Tiananmen Square. They defamed Dafa, and fabricated excuses for the government to persecute Dafa. In addition, many of the murderers shown on TV were also to frame Dafa. Falun Gong practitioners do not take lives, so how can they kill people? Teacher also mentioned the issue of killing in Lecture 7 of Zhuan Falun. So many practitioners are practicing Falun Gong, and none has killed anyone, or set him or herself on fire. We are all trying to be good people.
Mom hopes that you can distinguish the truth from the lies, and compassion from wickedness, so that you can be an honest, kind and proud child. You are Mom's good son. In the future, you will understand what Mom is doing now. I know that you will understand Mom.
January 27, 2003
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