Practitioners' Cultivation Experience Sharing
I deeply feel Teacher's benevolence: In May 1997, I was very fortunate to begin practicing Falun Dafa. Since then, all of my diseases have been cured. Seeing my change, my relatives and friends also joined me in cultivation. Since July 20, 1999, I have devoted myself to the Fa-rectification cultivation. I appealed to the government, distributed truth-clarifying VCDs, posted Dafa banners, and did other work in order to expose the evil and to save the sentient beings.
My experience of attaining the Fa and cultivation: Since I was a child, I was always weak and often became ill. I developed a serious skin disease and Hepatitis B, and became a frequent visitor to the hospital. Then I started practicing Falun Gong in 1996 and haven't received a single pill or injection since. During this time, my body became very strong. People who do not practice may find this hard to understand. Improving one's Xinxing [mind and heart nature] is easier said then done. Sometimes, I could not pass one test before the next one came. Teacher has been watching over me and helping me to enlighten. I have been improving myself in the pitfalls of my cultivation.
My experience of cultivation in the Fa-rectification period: In 1996, my son had aseptic necrosis of his femoral heads. I drove him in a donkey wagon to watch the recording of Teacher's lectures. The second day after my son started to study the Fa, he was able to walk without a crutch. In the winter of 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal. I walked in Tiananmen Square with strong determination. Two police officers looked at me once and passed by without a word. On my way home, I met a policeman who wanted to arrest Falun Gong practitioners. I told the policeman and his friends about my son's experience as a validation of Dafa. I went to every county fair I could in order to distribute Dafa materials. I handed the materials to people face to face and told them that they should treasure the materials after reading them. Thus many people in my area came to know the truth about Dafa.
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Category: Accounts of Persecution