My name is Wang Yuzhi and I used to live in Heilongjiang Province. As a Falun Gong practitioner, I was persecuted in China by Jiang's regime. I was later rescued from my suffering by members of the Canadian government, due to their humanity and their righteous hearts.
I am thankful for all of the help I received from the international community, and from all the kindhearted people who helped me escape from the danger, enabling me to finally live a normal and peaceful life.
While living in Canada, I exposed a lot of first hand information about how the Jiang regime persecutes Falun Gong practitioners. I spoke out about my horrifying experience during the persecution, exposing the atrocities and criminal activities of the Wanjia Labor Camp where I had been jailed. The international media published a lot of the information that I exposed. Later, when Li Lanqing, who is in charge of the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems], visited France, I filed a lawsuit against him. My appealing to the international community and exposing the atrocities committed against Falun Gong practitioners has greatly frightened the members of Jiang's regime. They therefore started a series of threats, monitoring, and retaliation against my relatives living inside China. My younger brother was illegally arrested and my elder brother was detained at Urumqi Airport in Xinjiang Province for 24 hours and denied permission to go abroad. All of my relatives were forced to leave their homes and go from place to place to avoid being arrested, as even their home phones were monitored. I have now lost contact with all of my relatives.
On the night of January 19, around 11:00 pm, I called my friends in China from Canada. They told me that my younger brother, Wang Chengyun, who lived in Harbin City and does not practice Falun Gong, disappeared on the afternoon of January 17. On the afternoon of January 18, Sun Gangyi, a person from the 26th Division Police Station of the Heilongjiang Province, called my brother's wife and asked her go to their office. When she arrived she was asked by Sun Gangyi to sign an arrest warrant that stated "Wang Chengyun offended the service of public society," but my sister-in-law refused to sign, and asked them what crime her husband had committed. They replied, "Wang Chengyun is a political criminal and it does not matter if you sign it or not."
After November 24, 2002, my elder brother, Wang Chengkai, who is not a practitioner, was continuously harassed by police, and was forced leave his home and go from place to place to avoid being persecuted. After my younger brother was illegally arrested, my mother, who lived in the United Arab Emirates, was sick and could not get out of bed. My elder brother liked to visit my mother and take care of her. He tried to resolve the problem with the police, but he too was arrested at the Urumqi Airport while changing planes. Twenty-four hours later, the inspection office of Urumqi Airport took away his passport, denying him permission to leave the country. He was ordered to go back to Heilongjiang Province within 24 hours, to stay in Heilongjiang Province, and to stay in contact with the police at all times. I have now lost all contact with my relatives who live in China.
In December 2002, I called a friend in Harbin City and learned what was going on with my relatives. I was informed that the authorities are grossly abusing their power, using it to persecute innocent people. When the people who suffer under unconstitutional persecution later expose the evil conduct, Jiang's regime persecutes their innocent relatives with disgusting and brutal retaliation.
This friend also told me that after I was rescued by the Canadian government, Heilongjiang Province was under a lot of pressure from the central government. The 26th Division of the Police Department of Heilongjiang Province reopened my case. Because my family was engaged in business, the government said that they would cut off all my relatives' economic resources, enacting an "economic penalty" against all of my relatives. The police are constantly monitoring all of my relatives, none of whom are practitioners.
The government regrets releasing me, but they had no choice. At that time, the Wanjia Labor Camp police tortured me until I was close to death, but they were afraid I would die, and released me back to my family. I was very lucky to be able to escape to the United Arab Emirates, and because I practice Falun Gong, I have recovered from the torture. But it was not until the Canadian government rescued me that I was truly free from imminent death. I was therefore able to expose the atrocities committed by Jiang's regime. I'm one of the hundreds of thousands of people who have been brutally tortured. My painful experiences are evidence of Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong. This is evidence of Jiang's policy of "spiritually torturing them, physically destroying them, and economically devastating them." Now the brutal persecution and evil acts have extended to all practitioners' relatives.
No matter what kind of methods the Chinese government uses to retaliate against my relatives in China, it will not stop me from exposing their atrocities and crimes to the Chinese people and the international community.
I appeal to the international community and all kindhearted people to please help stop the Jiang regime's inhumane atrocities and its brutal persecution of innocent people.
My relatives were arrested by:
610 office in Public Security Department of Heilongjiang Province.
Director: Zhang Xiaoguang, 86-451-2696145
The 26th Division of the Public Security office in Heilongjiang Province.
Office phone: 86-451-2696147.
Sun Gangyi, person in charge, cell phone number: 86-13303607776
Public Security Department of Heilongjiang Province: 86--451-2696114
Director: 86-451-2696430
Wang Yuzhi
in Vancouver
January 26, 2003
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