[Shangqiu City, Henan Province] Police Repeatedly Beat Falun Dafa Practitioner Ba Wei, from Shangqiu, Unconscious
Ba Wei, a Dafa practitioner from Shangqiu, Henan Province was arrested while clarifying the truth. The police in the detention center beat him unconscious many times. Each time they drenched him with cold water until he woke up. He stated firmly, "As long as I still have one breath left, I will persist in cultivating Dafa."
[Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province] The Jiaozhou "610 Office" Changes the Detention Center into a Torture Center for Dafa Practitioners
The Jiaozhou "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] in Shandong changed the old detention center into the "610" Torture Center, where they illegally hold Dafa practitioners. In winter, for example, they force Dafa practitioners to sleep on the ice-cold floor, and provide them with only a little vegetable soup per meal.
The key officials of the Jiaozhou "610 Torture Center" are Wang Qiang and his followers. Five section heads transferred from other units to join the Torture Team, including Head Li from the Cultural Bureau, Head Wei from the Educational Bureau, Head Yu, Head Zhou and Head Zou. The five colluded to form a team that specializes in persecuting Dafa practitioners.
[Tangshan City, Hebei Province] The Criminal Actions in Tangshan City Forced Labor Camp
The guards in Tangshan City Forced Labor Camp in Hebei Province, including Li Guiping, Liu Fuxing, Wang Yulin, Gao Yongjing, Li Xiaodong and Zhang Xiaofeng used extremely cruel means to torture Dafa practitioners. They deprived them of sleep, force-fed them, forced them to stand still for a long time, shocked them with electric batons, and tied them tightly with rope.
[Henan Province] He Sanpu, an Employee of Henan Daily News Was Arrested After Work on February 26; Neither His Work Unit Nor His Family Know His Whereabouts
[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioners Chen Guitao and Li Zongming from Xinzhou, Wuhan Were Arrested
Chen Guitao, female, 21 years old, resides in Xinzhou of Wuhan City, Hubei Province. Before the 16th National Conference, police from the Xinzhou Police Sub-Bureau colluded with the Wuchang Police Sub-Bureau to forcibly arrest Ms. Chen at her workplace in Wuhan. She was illegally held in the No. 1 Detention Center in Wuhan, where she was subjected to brutal torture. She was then illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor education, and is now held in the Hewan Forced Labor Camp in Wuhan City.
Dafa practitioner Li Zongming, male, 47 years old, resides in Wangji County, Xinzhou, Wuhan City. Before the Chinese Lunar New Year, he and his wife planned to attend his relatives' wedding ceremony. However, the police from Wangji County of Xinzhou including Yu Zhongwu, Wang Jinyou and Zhang Deming forcibly arrested him. They confiscated 400 Yuan that was to be a wedding gift, along with Dafa books and truth-clarifying materials. He is now being illegally detained in the detention center.
[Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Mailing Address and Telephone Number of the Qingdao "610 Office" in Shandong
The "610 Office" in Qingdao City, Shandong Province is located at 34 Mingxia Road, Shibei District, Qingdao City. The office has no official sign outside the building. Instead, a sign says, "Massage Technician Accreditation Office" on it. The "610 Office" brainwashes practitioners by deceiving them and forcing them to watch a video defaming Falun Dafa over and over. Officials from Qingdao City's Political and Law Committee and the "610 Office" hold meetings secretly in this office to plot the persecution of Dafa practitioners.
The main officials are Wang Hongjun (Tel: 86-532-3653171), Geng Shirang, Sun Tongtai, and Sun Guimin.
Section Head's Office: Hu Jun, Tel: 86-532-3668348 EXT. 202
Director's Office: 86-532-3668348 EXT. 201
Address: 34 Mingxia Road, Shibei District, Qingdao City 266002
[Shanghai City] Illegal Arrest Notice with Pictures Appears in the Caobao Road Residential District in Shanghai
On March 3, 2003, an arrest notice with a picture appeared in the Caobao Road residential district in Shanghai. The notice said, "Recently some people delivered and distributed Falun Gong CDs in the residential district. Please offer your help to capture them." The picture is of a man wearing glasses. It is obvious that the picture was drawn based on others' description.
[Linghai City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Baoqin Has Been Illegally Detained in Masanjia for Nearly 3 Years
Wang Baoqin, female, a Dafa practitioner from Linghai City, Liaoning Province, was illegally arrested because she went to Beijing during the 2000 Spring Festival to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. On February 6, 2000, she was illegally sentenced to 3 years of forced labor. During the 3 years that Wang Baoqin has been in Masanjia, she has been brutally tortured. Her weight decreased to 40 Kg. from the original 80 Kg. Now that her term is up, it has been extended eight months. She is still in Masanjia.
[Yitong County, Jilin Province] Yitong County's "610 Office" in Jilin Province Persecutes Dafa Practitioner Yuan Wenxin
The local "610 Office" sent Yuan Wenxin, a Dafa practitioner in Yitong County, Jilin Province to a forced labor camp, while her husband was illegally sentenced to imprisonment. In the forced labor camp, she had a physical examination. She was told that she had many illnesses, so the labor camp refused to take her. However, the Yitong "610 Office" left her there anyway. A few days ago, the forced labor camp informed her relatives and the "610 Office" that they would send her back. The "610 Office" then sent her to Yitong Detention Center for further persecution.
Officials' illegal acts:
Feng Changfu: Secretary of Ma'an Town, Yitong County, Jilin Province.
He has arrested Dafa practitioners. He personally beat a local female practitioner, and wondered," How could this woman endure such a severe beating?" He then brutally kicked the most sensitive areas of her body. His cell phone number is 86-13904358118.
Li Qiang: Secretary of Yitong County, Jilin Province
He has had the post for only 2 years, but he has persistently persecuted Dafa practitioners. He has illegally sent numerous Dafa practitioners to labor camps, and instigated police to torture the practitioners. He has continuously held brainwashing classes in the Party School, and arrested Dafa practitioners everywhere. He has ransacked practitioners' homes, threatened them and extorted money from them. Without any evidence, he illegally sentenced Dafa practitioner Wu Keli to 5 years in jail.
[Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] The Police in Nanchang arrested Dafa Practitioner Tang Jie, and His Whereabouts are Unknown
[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] The Nangang District Court in Harbin City Illegally Sentenced Dafa Practitioners to Long Terms in Prison
Dafa practitioners including Ma Shuhua (female), Liu Chunxia (female), Zhao Hongwu, Chu Qingfen (female), and Zheng Wensheng were illegally sentenced to long terms in prison because they publicized the lies fabricated by Jiang's regime, and clarified the truth about the persecution against Falun Gong. Their punishment terms are 10, 8, 7, 7, and 4 years respectively.
The relevant officials:
Chief Judge: Yu Chenghe
Presiding Judge: Li Gengdi
Presiding Judge: Cheng Shouchang
[Gaocheng City, Hebei Province] The Persecution of Practitioners in Gangshang Town, Gaocheng City, Hebei Province
On July 20, 1999, the Gangshang Police Station illegally ransacked Dafa practitioners' homes. They sent practitioners Liang Ruixia (female), Shi Wenmei (female), Ju Junyan, Wu Suhua (female), Zheng Shujun and Ma Ruiling to the Gangshang Police Station. Each practitioner was fined 1,000 Yuan, and was then held in the Gangshang Team for 7 days. After that, each person was fined another 300 Yuan.
Before May 1, 2000, Dafa practitioners Shi Wenmei, Wu Suhua, Zheng Shujun and Ma Ruiling were illegally held in the Gangshang Team for 3 days. Each of them was fined 500 Yuan.
On December 23, 2000, Dafa practitioners Shi Wenmei, Wu Suhua, Zheng Shujun and Ma Ruiling were illegally detained in the Gangshang Team for over 20 days. They were not allowed to bring a quilt to cover themselves at night, and their cotton clothing and cushions were taken away. They forced the practitioners to clear away snow, and practitioners had to relieve themselves in the same room where they slept. Their family member delivered meals to them. Each person was fined 1,000 Yuan.
In October 2001, police illegally ransacked Ma Ruiling's home, and detained her in the Gangshang Police Station for one day. She was then sent to Gaocheng City's brainwashing center, where she was held for one month and was fined 1,000 Yuan. Dafa practitioner Wu Suhua has to live in exile to avoid further persecution and torture.
[Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Police Destroy the Gebu Material Site and the Wanghua Copy Site in Fushun City
On March 1, the Gebu material site in Fushun City, Liaoning Province was destroyed. The police hid in ambush and arrested several practitioners, including Hou Xiaohui. The details have yet to be determined. On March 2, the Wanghua Copy Site was ransacked. They confiscated a computer, two copy machines, various tools, and paper worth 50,000 Yuan.
[Huaihua City, Hunan Province] Material Sites in Huaihua, Hunan Province Are Destroyed
During the period from February 25, 2003 to February 28, the police and "610" officials illegally searched material sites in Huaihua, Hunan Province. Two Dafa practitioners were arrested. Two ET machines, which cost 30,000 Yuan, were confiscated. A lot of materials were taken away. One arrested practitioner, Tang Qingying, over 50 years old, female, is the former head of the Hecheng District Dafa Assistant Center. She is a retired official from Hecheng District Statistical Bureau. She was once arrested and had been led astray as a result of torture. After awakening, she again melted into Fa-rectification. The other practitioner who was arrested with her is Xiao Guiying (female, over 50 years old).
[Beijing] Urgent: Find and Rescue Dafa Practitioner Sun Zhen, Who Graduated from the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing
It has been 8 months since Dafa practitioner Sun Zhen's disappeared last July. According to reliable sources, the police from the Huairou Police Department in Beijing arrested him on July 22, 2002.
Sun Zhen, male, 27 years old, is originally from Dehui City, Jilin Province. After graduating from the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing in 1999, he was assigned to the Beijing Armed Police Team. Because he persisted in his belief in Falun Gong, the Beijing Armed Police Team refused to take him in. In November 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. The police illegally arrested him. He was taken back to Dehui City, and was released after being held in Dehui City's Detention Center for 15 days.
On July 20, 2000, he was illegally arrested again when he went to Beijing to appeal. On August 10, the police from the local police department escorted him back to Dehui City. He was sallow and emaciated, his eyes were sunken, and his clothes were ragged. He was detained in Dehui City's Detention Center for 7 days, and was released after they extorted 1,500 Yuan. On July 22, 2002, he was once again arrested, and his whereabouts are unknown.
[Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ma Yulian, A Falun Dafa Practitioner in Mount Tai, Shandong Province Is Detained in Jinan City's No. 1 Female Forced Labor Camp
At the end of 2002, the police in Taian City illegally arrested Ma Yulian, female, a Dafa practitioner in Mount Tai, Shandong Province. They sent her to the Feicheng brainwashing center. She was brutally tortured, and her home was illegally ransacked. Cash, bank deposit certificates, a salary card, jewelry, and a watch were all confiscated. She was released one month later. At the end of 2003, the police once again illegally arrested her, and sent her directly to the Jinan No.1 Female Forced Labor Camp, where she was illegally sentenced to 3 years of forced labor. Currently, her work unit (Mount Tai Officials Recreation Center in Shangdong Province) has illegally dismissed her from her job.
[Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Luan Qiaolian, a Dafa Practitioner in Shijiazhuang Is Arrested
Luan Qiaolian, a Dafa practitioner in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, 47 or 48 years old, resides in Nanchang Street, Cang'an Road. The police arrested her, and are holding her illegally in the Nanchang Street Police Station.
[Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] A Young Woman Has Been Illegally Held in the Shijiazhuang No.1 Detention Center for Half a Year
A kind and pretty young woman, who is over 20 years old and has long hair, is being held illegally in Ward 109 of the Shijiazhuang No.1 Detention Center because she refused to give her name to the police. She was assigned the number A1. All her clothes and personal effects were obtained through trading with other prisoners by taking their duties and work. We hope that kind-hearted people will pay attention to this matter.
The No. 1 Detention Center is located on Beicheng Road in the northwest corner of Shijiazhuang. A detention center, a team of the forced labor camp, and the notorious "Hebei Law System Education Center," are all on this street. The "Hebei Law System Education Center" is actually called a brainwashing center by the internal officials of the public security department, the procurator's department, and the people's courts. The No.2 Detention Center was located on this street for over 30 years, but was recently moved to another place.
During the past few years, at least 100,000 Dafa practitioners from various areas (most of them are from Hebei Province) have been illegally held on this street.
[Beipiao City, Liaoning Province] You Yuyan And Shi Yuqin, Falun Gong Practitioners in Beipiao City, Liaoning Province Are Illegally Arrested
On February 16, 2003, You Yuyan and Shi Yuqin, female Falun Gong practitioners in Beipiao City, Liaoning Province were illegally arrested while distributing truth-clarifying materials. They are being held in the Liangshuihe Detention Center in Beipiao City.
[Pi County, Sichuan Province] Appeal to the International Community to Condemn and Stop the Brutal Acts of the Pi County Brainwashing Center in Sichuan Province
Pi County's "Chufa" Training Class is actually a jail, where Jiang's regime illegally detains steadfast Dafa practitioners. It is next to Chengdu City's Detention Center. This training class is really a brainwashing center, and is not part of the legal system at all. It specializes in detaining the steadfast Dafa practitioners who are released from labor camps or detention centers after completing their terms. Informed sources have revealed that several dozen steadfast Dafa practitioners are being held there. The details are still being investigated.
The chief official of Pi County's "Chufa" Training Class in Sichuan Province is Bai Lirong.
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