Dear Editor - Tao Liu is another victim of Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong in China. He is new to our country, and so as yet has not realized the control that the completely state-run media has on the minds of the citizens of China.
He does not yet know that the United Nations International Education Committee is fully aware that the supposed self-immolation of Falun Gong practitioners in China was a creation of the Chinese regime in order to turn peoples' hearts against this very pure teaching. He does not know that this propaganda is the same tactic used by Hitler in Germany to set the stage for the persecution of the Jews.
Joseph Goebbels, the infamous creator of hate-literature against the Jews, said: "If a lie is repeated often enough, it becomes the truth." He does not know that the kind of hate-literature put forth by the Chinese regime against Falun Gong, is against the law in his new country of Canada.
Welcome to Canada Tao Liu. Now you have the opportunity to access all information about Falun Gong and many other issues. This opportunity is denied to Chinese citizens. You can even read the book of the main teachings of Falun Gong and decide for yourself what this is all about.
Sophia Bronwen
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Category: Falun Dafa in the Media