My name is Wang Yuzhi. I was imprisoned three times by Jiang Zemin's authorities because I practice Falun Gong. During the last incarceration I was held in the notorious Wanjia labor camp for 5 months. The staff in this labor camp is infamous for its cruelty; and to date, at least 14 Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted to death there. Only when I was tortured until I was nearly blind and was on the verge of death, did the labor camp release me so they wouldn't have to take responsibility for my death.

After I recovered, I managed to go to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in June 2002. However the Chinese embassy in the UAE continued to persecute me and pressured the UAE authority to send me back to China. Thankfully, the Canadian government issued a ministerial permit within two days, based on humanitarian grounds, and brought me to Canada last November.

In order to stop the brutal persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang's regime, I exposed many facts of the persecution and the torture I had suffered on various occasions. In December 2002, the visiting Vice Prime Minister Li Lanqing, one of the heads of the "610 office" got sued in France by Falun Gong practitioners and I was one of the plaintiffs. The lawsuit and public exposure made China's malfeasant officials ashamed and angry, so they threatened and followed my family members in China. Eventually, my brother Wang Chengyuan, 37, (non-practitioner) was illegally abducted on January 17, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

But retaliation and intimidation will never shake my resolution to expose the unconstitutional persecution. On March 18, during the UN Human Right Commission in Geneva, I continued to speak publicly about my experiences in China as a witness in the announcement of a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin as the chief criminal in the persecution of Falun Gong. On March 19, my little sister Wang Yuxiang, 42, and elder sister Wang Chunyu, 48,were also illegally abducted. They are non-practitioners. The police illegally confiscated my little sister's home and took her away. Her two-year old and fifteen-year old sons cried a lot and asked the police to free their mother. However, the police roughly pushed the children aside without any humanity and drove away with my sister. When my elder sister was arrested, she said to her family, "I have not broken any law." There was no reason given for their arrests and their whereabouts are unknown.

From the tribulations of my family members, and myself you see the painful experiences of millions of Falun Gong practitioners as well as the scope of this persecution, which now includes countless innocent family members who don't even practice Falun Gong.

The vengefulness towards my family members shows that Jiang fears that his crimes will be revealed and the facts of the persecution will be exposed. Retaliation only strengthens my determination to expose the genocide committed by Jiang Zemin's regime, to bear witness to their criminal conduct, and to use legal means to bring the criminals to justice. The retaliation only adds new evidence to the lawsuit.

The scope of the persecution is not limited to Falun Gong practitioners and their family members; countless Chinese people have also been deceived and manipulated to participate in the persecution. The persecution of Falun Gong goes against the precious innate human kindness and principles, it has consumed one quarter of China's financial resources, and brought immeasurable losses to China.

In October 2002, a lawsuit charging Jiang Zemin with genocide was launched in a US court. In March 2003, TRIAL (TRack Impunity ALways), an NGO dedicated to suing those who have committed crimes against humanity, announced its plan to sue Jiang for "torture, crimes against humanity, and genocide." The world will watch the trial of Jiang's inhuman regime, which is trying to destroy the universal principles and people's kindness; time will also show that Falun Gong is innocent as "never in history has someone who persecuted those with upright faiths ever succeeded." (from "Coercion Cannot Change People's Hearts")

I strongly demand the unconditional release of my younger brother Wang Chengyuan and my sisters Wang Yuxiang and Wang Xiangyu. I appeal to those who are deceived and manipulated to resist Jiang's orders and to not aid the dictator in committing crimes. I appeal to the kind-hearted people in the international community to help stop the brutal persecution perpetrated by Jiang's regime. May the universal principles of Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance illuminate every corner of China and the world.

Thank you.

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