March 25th, 2003
I am a non-practitioner, but I seem to have a certain predestined relationship with Falun Dafa. I have known about Dafa for six years. At the very beginning, I was dead against my grandma practicing Dafa and thought it was a waste of her time. I was very worried about her practice, because she did exercises outside in winter every day for two hours, and she wasn't very healthy at that time. But I changed my mind after she had cultivated for about a year and all of her illnesses were cured. I was happy to see her healthier physically and mentally.
I don't quite understand why Jiang forbade people to practice Falun Dafa. Have they done something wrong? Why should he use the military and the police to suppress them? The practitioners respect the elderly and young, help others, pick up lost money and return it to the owner. When faced with Jiang's brutal persecution, practitioners adopt the most peaceful ways to appeal and ask for nothing but the freedom to practice. The only words they say are: Falun Dafa is good! However, Jiang misuses the power he holds to arrest, detain, interrogate, and torture them. The constitution sets up regulations that allow Chinese people the freedom of religion and belief, but where are those freedoms now?
I am an ex-serviceman, and I have come to understand many things very clearly during the past three years. The only justice I have seen is that Falun Dafa practitioners are justly fighting for their belief.
Nowadays, good people are being arrested and beaten up. I hope that one day, the truth will prevail, and goodness will return.
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