The Truth and People's Heart
A village chief for security in northeast China used to help the police in persecuting Dafa practitioners. He had committed crimes against Dafa and Dafa practitioners. However, after he learned the truth about the slanders and persecution against Dafa and Dafa practitioners, he went to Dafa practitioners and said he would never again work as Jiang's persecution tool.
Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions
The story of Dafa practitioner Xue Hua:
My sister and her family were influenced by the slanderous propaganda on TV, and my brother-in-law cursed Dafa whenever someone mentioned Dafa. However, I often sent them truth-clarification materials and told them about the significance of Falun Dafa, to save the world's people. This family gradually approached Dafa from a positive perspective. When I again gave my brother-in-law some flyers, he didn't curse and said many times, "We are not against Dafa." Several days ago my niece was sick and my brother-in-law, who seemed to have understood some heavenly principles, said, "Quick, say 'Falun Dafa is good'!" The child waved his small fist and happily shouted, "Falun Dafa is good"!
My colleagues have also changed. My supervisor became kinder and many colleagues said, "We learned the truth, Dafa is for saving people. We were saved. We must thank Xue Hua." I said, "Don't thank me; thank Dafa." Many colleagues raised their hand and shouted in a sincere voice, "Falun Dafa is good!"
Resisting persecution with righteous thoughts and walking out of a detention center: During the morning of April 23, 2003, when I tore down Dafa-slandering posters, police laying in ambush kidnapped me. I was sent to a detention center. I said, "I'll tear up whatever you write that is slanderous of Dafa. I won't allow you to poison the minds of the world's people." At the top of each hour I erected my hand and sent forth righteous thoughts. They kicked the metal door and shouted hysterically. Not only did I not stop, I eliminated the evil that was manipulating them in other dimensions from close proximity. They tried to handcuff me, but my righteous thought was strong and I was determined to resist the persecution. In the end they gave up. I held a hunger strike and they force-fed me. At this time, I saw the evil was at the end of its ropes. In the morning of April 28, I was unconditionally released.
Truth About Persecution
Persecution at Deyang Prison, Sichuan Province; Dafa practitioners Resist the Persecution With Righteous Thoughts: On April 2, 2003, vicious police officer Zeng lied by starting a rumor that practitioners were creating trouble by asking for an investigation into the death of practitioner Li Jianhou and the beating of practitioner Zhou Faming. They took away many practitioners. No one compromised and the evil was suppressed. Later, about a dozen practitioners returned successively. However, Peng Yueheng was detained in solitary confinement and Wu Bochen was sent to Division 2. On April 3, a dozen practitioners held a hunger strike and asked the prison to return practitioners Peng Yueheng and Wu Bochen. Shi, the head of the prison and several police officers held a meeting, and several practitioners announced that their "guarantee statements" written under pressure were void. By noon, more than 20 practitioners were holding a hunger strike. In the afternoon of April 4, the two practitioners were released.
Truth about persecution of Dafa practitioners by Dehui City police, Jilin Province: On April 7, Dafa practitioner Gao Heping went to Wutai Township to clarify the truth. Police kidnapped her and sent her to Dehui City Detention Center. She didn't cooperate with the evil and has been on hunger strike for more than 20 days. She was force-fed many times.
On April 18, 2003, Dafa practitioner Gao clarified the truth to neighbors in Yangshu Township, and his neighbors reported him. Vicious police from Yangshu Township Police Station kidnapped him.
On April 11, 2003, Dafa practitioner Wang Naihua tried to clarified the truth in a building across from a meat factory. Zhou Guochang, an elderly man who specializes in reporting on Dafa practitioners reported her. She was arrested and sent to Dehui City Detention Center. Six of the practitioners detained at the detention center held a hunger strike. The police force-fed them everyday.
Truth About the Persecution in the Heizuizi Labor Camp in Changchun City: Dafa practitioner Zhen Donghui from Changchun City tore down a piece of cardboard with Dafa-slandering words that was forcibly put on her by guard Wei Dan. Wei Dan cuffed her to the frame of a bunk bed, with her feet barely touching the ground and force-fed her. On December 2001, her heart showed diminishing blood flow because of torture. The labor camp didn't want to take the responsibility for her condition and sent her home. In March 2002, she was sent to a labor camp for the third time for validating Dafa. She held a hunger strike and was force-fed through her nose for more than 80 days. She suffered all kinds of torture.
Dafa practitioners Sun Xiuxia, Zang Yuqin, Li Peixian, Lian Xiaoguang, Xu Guorong and Zhen Xiaoming were also tortured.
Baoding City Labor Camp used brainwashing and brutal tortures on illegally detained Dafa practitioners. Practitioners Li Jianguo, Ma Yulin, Liu Yongwang, Huang Wei and Feng Guoguang suffered inhuman tortures; their hands were cuffed on a steel fence for ten days and ten nights, during which time they were not allowed to sleep. They were additionally torture with "tying the rope"; they were tied to the "dead person's bed" for one-and-a half months. Some practitioners' legs were permanently disabled from the "tiger bench." [These are brutal torture methods commonly used in labor camps and prisons in China] The thugs shocked the practitioners' necks and the backs of their heads, on the lower back, face, private parts and mouth with two high voltage electric batons. Practitioner Feng Guoguang died from force-feeding.
On April 15, 2003, in order to torture determined Dafa practitioners, Huludao City Labor Camp authorities in Liaoning Province began another round of violent brainwashing. On May 1, the notorious Masanjia Labor Camp in Liaoning Province sent collaborators [former Dafa practitioners who have gone astray due to torture and brainwashing] to Huludao City Labor Camp to brainwash the practitioners. In early April, Division 2 of the labor camp, which specializes in persecuting Dafa practitioners, received practitioner Wang Zhehao, who was being sent to the Guanshanzi Labor Camp from Dalian City. Because he resisted the persecution and held a hunger strike, the police ordered five prisoners to beat and kick him. They hit his body violently with a mop handle.
Dafa practitioner Zhang Qizhen, male, 56 years old, lived in Hengshui City, Hebei Province. His wife, An Xiukun, is an outstanding teacher who is well known in Hengshui City. She was tortured to death by thugs in Hengshui City Detention Center, in collaboration with the Hengshui City Board of Education. Zhang Qizhen suppressed his grief and talked to the Board of Education in a rational manner. The evil people in the "610 Office" were afraid of their crimes being exposed, so, in July of 2000, they sentenced Zhang Qizhen to three years of forced labor in Baoding City Labor Camp. During the forced brainwashing, the guard tied Zhang Qizhen tightly on a chair and then on a heating pipe. They didn't allow him to sleep and beat and cursed him at will. They pried open his mouth with an electric baton and shocked his tongue, and also his stomach and the inside of his thigh.
Dafa practitioner Qi Jianchao kept righteous belief in Dafa after frequent brainwashing. The guards at Baoding City Labor Camp forced Qi Jianchao's wife to divorce him. Qi Jianchao asked to meet with and call his family, but the guards didn't allow him. In the end, the court single-handedly granted the divorce decree forcefully.
The "Legal Education Center" in Xintai City, Hebei Province is in fact a center of violence. Six brainwashing classes were held there. Nearly 100 Falun Gong practitioners were kidnapped at work or home, from city or county detention centers, or when they were clarifying the truth, and they were sent to these brainwashing classes. Collaborator Yang Kailiang treated the practitioners as sandbags and practiced karate on them. Collaborator Chen Weimin force-fed the practitioners with white wine. Collaborator Li Meiyun (female) beat and kicked the practitioners. She slapped their faces and hit their heads with a book for nearly two hours. Collaborator Wang Chunmei poked the practitioners' eyes and scratched their noses to prevent them from getting any sleep.
One practitioner held a six-day hunger strike upon arriving at the labor camp, but the collaborators didn't let him sleep. In the end, this practitioner was severely dehydrated and showed no pulse or blood pressure. Even so, the brainwashing center still refused to release him and continued to torture him after force-feeding him. Right now, more than 20 practitioners are still being illegally detained at Xingtai City's Brainwashing Center, and more practitioners are being arrested and sent in.
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Category: Accounts of Persecution