May 15, 2003
Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Gai from Boai County, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, passed away as a result of the persecution in 2002.
Some phone numbers of responsible parties in Jiaozuo City:
Police Department: 86-391-8615368
Traffic Police Squad: 86-391-8694688
Party Committee: 86-391-8680157, 86-391-8682300, 86-391-8683361, 86-391-8681188
Discipline Supervision Committee: 86-391-8680008, 86-391-8682348
Political and Legal Committee: 86-391-8683383, 86-391-8663298
Government Office: 86-391-8662640, 86-391-8611617, 86-391-8682630
People's Congress: 86-391-8682414
Women's Association: 86-391-8682370
Civil Affairs Bureau: 86-391-8683671, 86-391-8688869, 86-391-8688801
Prosecutor's House: 86-391-8682000, 86-391-8682785
People's Court: 86-391-8681288, 86-391-8683772
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