(Clearwisdom.net June 23, 2003) Falun Dafa practitioners in Finland held a 30-hour peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese embassy from Friday through to Saturday evening. They supported the lawsuits against Jiang Zemin and the notorious "610-office" by sending forth righteous thoughts at the top of every hour, and explaining the facts about the evil persecution with banners and display boards. At three o'clock in the morning, one man stopped to talk with the practitioners. He was wondering what they were doing there in the middle of the night on Midsummer's eve. When practitioners told him about the peaceful nature of Falun Dafa, the brutal persecution in China and that Jiang Zemin is being sued for genocide, he offered his heartfelt support by saying, "any crime against humanity is unacceptable. It is good that you are here and you are doing this."
